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http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/04/28 17:57  文都在线


  45) max- (greatest) maximum, maximal , maximize

  46) out- (outside, beyond) outdo, outwit, outlive, outnumber, outdoor, outstanding, outskirts , outward, outcome, outer, outing , outline, outlook, output, outrage , outside

  47) over- (too much, above, additional) overwork, overuse, overtake, overpass , overthrow , overturn , overall, overdue , overhead, overhear , overlook, overseas, overtime

  48) trans- (across, on or to the other side of) t
ransaction , transatlantic, transcend , transfer, transform, transistor , transit , transition , translate, translation, transmission, transmit, transmitter, transparent, transplant, transport, transportation

  49) under- (too little, below) underdevelop, underdevelopment, underestimate, undergraduate, underground, underlie , underline, undersea, underlying , undermine , underneath, underwear

  50) neo- (new) neo-Nazism, neolithic

  51) be- (cause to be or have) befriend, belittle

  52) bio- (life) biology, biography , autobiography, antibiotic, biochemistry, biosphere, biomedical

  53) en- em- (cause to become, put into the stated condition) embody, empower, endanger, enlarge, enrich, encompass, enthrone, entrench

  54) extra- (outside, beyond) extracurricular, extraordinary

  55) mid- (middle) midday, midnight

  56) poly- (many) polycentric, polydirectional, polysyllabic

  57) pseudo- (not real, false) pseudomemory, pseudonym, pseudoscience

  58) thermo- (heat) thermochemistry, thermometer

  59) vice- (next in rank below) vice-chairman, vice-president

  60) aero- (air) aerial , aeroplane, aeronautics, aerospace

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