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http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/06/17 13:34  新浪教育


  Lasers have critical military applications, including

  incorporation in guided ordinance such as laser guided

  bombs and ranging devices. Directed energy technologies

  are used to generate electromagnetic radiation or particle

  beams and to project that energy on a specific target.

  Kinetic energy technologies are those used to impart a high

  velocity to a mass and direct it to a target. Directed

  energy and kinetic energy technologies have potential

  utility in countering missiles and other applications.

  Look for technologies associated with:

  - Atomic Vapor Laser Isotope Separation (AVLIS)

  - Molecular Laser Isotope Separation (MLIS)

  - High Energy Lasers (HEL) (i.e., laser welders)

  - Low Energy Lasers (LEL)

  - Semiconductor lasers

  - Free electron lasers

  - Directed Energy (DE) systems

  - Kinetic Energy (KE) systems

  - Particle beam, beam rider, electromagnetic guns, Optoelectronics/electro-optics (Europe)

  - Optical tracking (i.e., target designators)

  - High energy density

  - High-speed pulse generation, pulsed power

  - Hypersonic and/or hypervelocity

  - Magnetohydrodynamics

  L. SENSORS AND SENSOR TECHNOLOGY: Sensors provide real-time

  information and data, and could provide a significant

  military advantage in a conflict. Marine acoustics is

  critical in anti-submarine warfare; gravity meters are

  essential for missile launch calibration. Look for

  technologies associated with:

  - Marine acoustics

  - Optical sensors

  - Night vision devices, image intensification devices

  - Gravity meters

  - High speed photographic equipment

  - Magnetometers

  M. MARINE TECHNOLOGY: Marine technologies are often

  associated with submarines and other deep submersible

  vessels; propulsion systems designed for undersea use and

  navigation and quieting systems are associated with

  reducing detectability and enhancing operations

  survivability. Look for technologies connected with:

  - Submarines and submersibles

  - Undersea robots

  - Marine propulsion systems

  - Signature recognition

  - Acoustic and non-acoustic detection

  - Acoustic, wake, radar and magnetic signature reduction

  - Magnetohydrodynamics

  - Stirling engines and other air independent propulsion systems

  N. ROBOTICS: Technologies associated with:

  - Artificial intelligence

  - Automation

  - Computer-controlled machine tools

  - Pattern recognition technologies.

  O. URBAN PLANNING: Expertise in construction or design of

  systems or technologies necessary to sustain modern urban

  societies. (PLEASE NOTE: Urban Planning may not fall under

  the purview of INA section 212 (a)(3)(a), U.S. technology

  transfer laws, or any other U.S. law or regulation.

  However, Urban Planning is a special interest item and

  posts are requested to refer such Visa application requests

  to CA/VO/L/C for further review.) Look for

  technologies/skills associated with:

  - Architecture

  - Civil engineering

  - Community development

  - Environmental planning

  - Geography

  - Housing

  - Landscape architecture

  - Land use and comprehensive planning

  - Urban design

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