
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年02月18日 09:46   无忧雅思网


  1 First,

  2 Firstly,

  3 First of all,

  4 In the first place,

  5 To begin with,

  6 To start with,

  7 First and foremost,

  8 Initially,

  9 The first thing I want to mention here is that...


  1 Second,

  2 Secondly,

  3 Second of all,

  4 In the second place,

  5 Further,

  6 Furthermore,

  7 Besides,

  8 Moreover,

  9 What is more,

  10 Additionally,

  11 In addition,

  12 Another equally vital point to be considered is that...


  1 Third,

  2 Thirdly,

  3 Third of all,

  4 In the third place,

  5 Last,

  6 Lastly,

  7 Last of all,

  8 In the last place,

  9 Last but not least,

  10 The last but not the least,

  11 Finally,

  12 The last factor to be presented is that...


  1 To conclude,

  2 To sum up,

  3 To summarize,

  4 In summary,

  5 In brief,

  6 In short,

  7 Ultimately,

  8 On balance,

  9 Above all,

  10 In a nutshell,

  11 In the final analysis,

  12 From what has been mentioned

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