
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年04月12日 14:26   无忧雅思网


  Part 1:

  1. When do Chinese people send gifts to family members?

  2. Have you ever received gifts?

  3. Will you go to other’s home with gifts?

  4. What kind of book do you read for study usually?

  5. How do you spend your weekends?

  6. Are you for or against extra work during weekends without payment?

  7. How do you think about your hometown? And what’s your favorite part about your hometown?

  Part 2:

  1. What kind of Chinese newspaper do you read?

  2. What kind of contents does the newspaper cover?

  3. What’s your favorite kind of news?

  Part 3:

  1. What are the channels from which people get news?

  2. What role does photo play in newspaper?

  3. How do you think about the future development of newspaper?

  4. What kind of job suit youths, and seniors?

  5. Why is there age requirement for different jobs?

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