
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年04月12日 14:26   无忧雅思网

  Part 1: about friends

  Part 2: Project (homework)

  Part 3: ways of education

  Part 1:

  1. Where are you from?

  2. DO you work or are you student?

  3. What kind of weather do you prefer?

  4. Which season do you dislike?

  5. Which school are you studying in?

  6. Why do you go to that school?

  7. Why do you like the school?

  8. What kind of paper do you read, local or international ones?

  9. What kind of news do you like to read?

  10. What kind of weather do you like?

  11. What is the influence weather has on people’s feelings?

  12. What kind of clothes do you like?

  13. Is it possible to judge people by his dress?

  14. Are you satisfied with the living situation?

  15. What’s your ideal living environment?

  16. Should children be independent or not?

  17. Describe the oldest, or the most spectacular place in the city?

  18. What’s relationship with others?

  19. What do you think about telephone?

  Part 2:

  1. Describe one foreign language you want to learn beside English?

  2. Which language do you want to learn?

  3. Why you want to learn the language?

  4. What’s the most difficult thing in the process of learning?

  5. Describe your school friends?

  Part 2& 3:

  1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the internet?

  2. How do you think shopping online?

  3. Describe one restaurant you visit always.

  4. Why people prefer eat out over at home?

  5. What are the differences between Chinese and Western restaurant?

  6. What is internet? And its development in china.

  7. What are seniors’ and youths’ attitudes toward the internet?

  8. What are the advantages and disadvantages of e-commercial and shopping online?

  9. Describe one suggestion you’ve received: from whom, why it is important?

  10. Whose advice is more important, teacher or boss?

  11. Do you prefer communicating with mates or parents about your future career?

  12. Describe the second foreign language you want to learn.

  13. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of global language.

  14. Which language could become global language?

  15. Explain the relation between language and culture.

  16. Describe housework and children’s obligation to do chores.

  17. Describe one family event.

  18. Describe the differences between wedding of the past and the future.

  19. Describe a person you want to be similar with when you grew up.

  20. What are the differences between your grandparents’ and today’s children’s childhood?

  21. Describe one of your school friends.

  22. Describe a recent change/life change.

  23. Describe one craft or a piece of art made in school.

  24. Which is more important for one’s future life, education at work or in university?

  25. Describe one family member similar to you.

  26. How to improve children’s independence?

  27. Describe one school activity.

  28. Should traditional arts be preserved? And why?

  29. Who is the most important person in children’s mind?

  30. Describe one city you want visit.

  31. What are the differences between Beijing and Tianjin.

  32. Describe one game in your childhood.

  33. Describe one e-mail or card from one friend who is on journey.

  34. What are the differences between traditional and modern families?

  35. Describe one project in school.

  36. What are the differences between study in school and out of school?

  37. Why people live in city, now and before?

  38. Describe one delay.

  39. Describe childhood sports and equipment.

  40. How to cultivate children’s ability to solve problems by themselves?

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