
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年05月05日 09:41   昂立英语


  College education is indispensable to the future development of the young people, so it is of vital importance.


  There is no denying that many people who did not go to college have achieved great success.

  But if you ask them, they will say that if they had had the chance, they would also have chosen to go to college, for college education never contradicts success.


  While it is true that many people who did not go to college have achieved great success, it is also true that many people, no, more people who had received college education have made even greater success.


  Going to college can not guarantee success, but not going to college would be a big regret.


  College education can help enrich our knowledge, but more important, it prepares us, though preliminarily, for entering the society and serving the society in the future.


  Both views that college education can be a solution to everything and that going to college is meaningless are incorrect.


  As is known to all, the Chinese-speaking population is very close to the English-speaking population in the world, but English has a much broader scope than Chinese in terms of geological distribution.


  As the most influential language in the world, English has long established its dominant place in such fields as science and technology, entertainment and cross-cultural communication.


  The influence of Chinese is mainly confined to China and Southeast Asian countries, but along with the economic takeoff of China, an increasing number of foreigners have been learning this ancient language.


  Obviously, the economic development of a country can promote the spread of its language which in turn enhances its economic development.


  We would like to have more people from other countries study Chinese, thus increasing their understanding of China, of the Chinese people and of Chinese culture, which could help avoid many misunderstandings.

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