

http://www.sina.com.cn  2008年07月11日 10:30   沪江英语

  希望同学们按照我上课堂上讲过的第一部分的I+F原则,第二部分的TSE原则,以及第三部分的3大答题思路。加上我每次考试前的压题,和平时的3D训练法,口语取得6.5以上是没有问题的。ETS方面一直没有更新题库,可能是忙着安装硬件准备机考吧,但我非常怀疑口语机考的信度和效度,无论怎样,我会尽全力帮助全国的考生成功征服雅思口语,力争6.5以上。下面是7月12日的考题,第一部分全部要背好,红色字体是第二部分的题目,就是要描述,其后的就是相对应的Part 3,请同学们准备好。

  Part one:

  1.Study or work(where, why choose)

  2.clothes(what style. do you like , how often do you wear, what clothes are popular in China

  3.Sports (how often, your favorite, why)

  4.Reading(how often, what kind)

  5.school ( where, what do you like most ,your favorite teacher and subject, why?)

  6.Hometown(changes and specialty)

  7.Cook( do you like cooking?Who does the housework? What kind of housework do you often do?)

  8.Shopping( the comparison between the past and present)

  9.Name( the meaning)

  10.TV program (what , why , compare the past and present, how to accessto English program)

  11.Traffic: (which transportation do you prefer?)

  12.Weather ( what is it like)

  13.Internet or telephone(how often do you use telephone/ internet, which communicationway people in your country prefer(telephone or letter)

  Part two:


  (Your idea on fast food or the food cooked at home)


  The pros and cons of Internet?

  What are the differences for various kinds of people in using internet?

  How old people learn to use it?


  Do you think team spiritis important, how to achieve it?


  do you think traveling can be educational?

  What are the pollutions mainly in China, how to solve it?

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