

http://www.sina.com.cn  2008年07月11日 10:30   沪江英语

  17.An equipment (besides computer)

  (the pros and cons of using computer?)

  Are the children allowed to play game or logon the net by parents?

  18.Physical activities

  Do we need sports?

  Why government advertises people should do more sports?

  The differences between the sports nowadays and the past?

  Why modern people are not willing to do sports?

  19.a person who work well in his job

  The relationships between the age and career?

  Should we forbidthe retired age?


  Do you think it is important to set up the law?

  Do you think laws are all fair?

  Do people like engaging in this kind or job?

  Are Chinese people abideby the law?

  Should we need an international law?

  21.a place where you can listen to music

  Can music help release the mood?

  Do you think we should teacher children to play musical instrument?


  What is your favorite animal?

  What can you learn from animals?

  Are you the vegetarian?

  Should we put the animal in the zoo or in nature?

  23.Recent changes in your life

  What kind of job you like to do in the future?

  Do you like trying new things ?

  Do you want to work in a big pool or small poor?


  Are all films are educational?

  The difference between Chinese film and western one?

  What kind of film is popular in china?

  Is the advisement important to films?

  25.Happy events

  What do you think make family happy?

  What do you think make older happy?

  Why people happy whenever they are under difficulty

  26.A place you have ever studied or worked before

  Is there any place you would most likely to go?

  What kind of equipment can help study more comfortable?

  What are the moods of yours while studying?

  Do you think we should spend more time on work and study? (作者:吴慧东)

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