

http://www.sina.com.cn  2008年08月18日 09:45   新东方

  4. Do you like growing flowers. (Direct Answer + examples or Direct Answer + Reason)

  Yes + example:

  Yes. I like growing flowers. Especiallylily, it stands for purity.

  Yes, I'm crazy about growing flowers. I'm fond of peony, it represents prosperity & fortune. (wealth)

  No + Reason:

  I'm a little strange. Flowers remind me of funerals. I hate them.

  Nope. I'm allergic to flowers.

  Well, not really. Actually, I like flowers in their natrual environment.

  5. Have you ever grown anything, in a garden, or possibly in a flower pot? (Direct Answer + examples)

  I have a mix of annuals, perennialsand flowering shrubs.

  Yes, I used to plant...Fruits, veggies, Foliage, Houseplants, bulbs…

  6. What benefits do people get from gardens or from gardening? (这样的问题就是在讨论Advantage,给出一些好处就可以了,类似于之前说到的"What benefit do children gain by learning music?" 依旧是Direct Answer + examples)

  you get to eat fresh organic veggies which are really good for you.

  and you get to spend time outside taking care of the plants and watch them grow and harvest their vegetable. ?

  Learning to be patient?

  It's therapeutic, like stress reducer, & it's relaxing - rewarding - you create something all on your own and it becomes a passion.

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