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Lexical Resource 词汇:
Better not 2 use extremely plain words on ths topic if u r needing 6.5 or above!
landscape: 美化……的景观
herbs: 药草
strewn: 播种
prosperity & fortune: 富贵
window boxes: 窗台上的花盆箱,窗欄花盆。(如上图所示)
stands: 架子
foliage: 绿叶植物
annuals: 一年生植物(如鸡冠花,牵牛花)
perennials: 多年生植物(如荷花,仙人掌)
shrubs: 灌木
veggies: 蔬菜 Vegetables的口语形式。
Houseplants: 盆栽
bulbs: 球茎植物(如水仙,郁金香,百合)
organic: 有机的
harvest: 收获
therapeutic: 疗伤的,有治疗作用的。
Permission is NOT granted to copy the contents and claim it as your own material. (作者:王冬)