

http://www.sina.com.cn  2008年09月17日 10:36   新东方


  Parents would find themselves well-expressed in their young kids’ early periods of life, during which time they are identical reflection of their parents in many regards. However, this situation no longer lasts after their entrance to schools, even primary school, they will get much greater influence from their teachers and peers, especially from their teachers and this kind of influence can be ever-lasting. We can find this as true from following respects:

  First of all, teachers can influence children in intellectual aspects in most of their school age. Kids have to spend most of their time in schools, together with many teachers in various disciplines, their major period at home is their holidays, which is quite negligible compared with their normal school life. Therefore, parents are no peers when compared with teachers in school in this regard.

  Also, due to the longevity of their company with children, teachers can significantly influence the social behaviors of children quite multifariously. Schools are no isolated peoples’ exile, but a place where kids of similar age learn how to get along well with others. Thus in many cases, parents can never have the chances to deal with the social problems kids encounter at school. But teachers are professional in this regard and they are also psychologically trained to cope with many situations that parents can not even dream of. Parents can be the most intimate one to listen to their children’s confession, but they can never be as omniscient and omnipotent as teachers at school.

  Thus, we can see quite clear that teachers can exert greater impacts on children in both intellectual and social respects due to their long stay with the young.(作者:新东方 陈国辉)

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