

http://www.sina.com.cn  2008年10月17日 09:47   昂立英语

  Part V:听力与口语训练


  Woman: If I buy some plants for the house, would you water them for me while I am away?

  Man: Sure, I will if you water mine while I am on vacation.


  Woman: It’s about 12 o’clock and I’m starving. There’s still a long way to drive.

  Man: Ok. Let’s stop at the next restaurant and get something to eat.


  Woman: Could I please borrow a pen from you?

  Man: I am afraid I don’t have an extra one. Would a pencil do?


  Woman: What time does the concert start?

  Man: At 7:15. We have 20 minutes to get there.


  Man: How about phoning Liz and asking her to join us for dinner?

  Woman: I think you should call her. She hardly knows who I am.


  Woman: Steve looks good in that old jacket, doesn’t he?

  Man: I still wish he’d get a new one.


  Woman: How do you feel about your new apartment?

  Man: Well, it’s quite nice really, although I’m having a hard time getting used to such a big building.


  Man: I wish I could get used to this American custom of using first names.

  Woman: I usually call just my good friends by their first names.


  starving adj.非常饥饿的;extra adj.额外的;apartment n.房子;custom n.习俗;first name名字

  Part VI:快速阅读


  Some people really enjoy Christmas, or Valentine’s Day(情人节), or Easter复活节), or have a huge family reunion(家庭团圆)or barbecue(烧烤)on the Fourth of July(美国国庆节). Some people look forward to stuffing(塞满)themselves with turkey(火鸡)every year on Thanksgiving(感恩节). Great as those are, they don’t compare with my favorite. I love Halloween!

  Why Halloween? Well, Halloween is the one night of the year when we can all get dressed up(穿着打扮起来)as someone else, pretend and let our imaginations run wild(自由驰骋). Even adults(成人)get a free pass(自由出入证)to go back to their childhood and become that kid still inside all of us. It’s also the one night of the year when we get to shine(映照)light on the dark, and confront(勇敢面对)monsters(妖怪), ghosts(鬼), witches(巫婆), and all things dead. We get to confront our biggest fears, as both children and adults, and reassure(使。。。安心,坚定) ourselves that there’s really no reason to be afraid of things we see at night.

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