

http://www.sina.com.cn   2008年10月29日 09:31   昂立英语

  Part V:听力与口语训练


  Man: Could I hand in my paper a few days later?

  Woman: I’m afraid that’s out of the question.


  Man: Your powers of concentration are amazing. Didn’t you hear me come in?

  Woman: Are you talking to me?


  Man: Hello, can you tell me if the library will be open Saturday evening?

  Woman: Hold the line please. I’ll find out.


  Woman: I saw David at hospital today. I wonder if his wife is ill.

  Man: No, she’s fine. His daughter just had a baby and he was visiting her.


  Man: This is you captain speaking. Please fasten your seat belts and no smoking please.

  Woman: And here is your meal, sir. What would you like to drink?


  Woman: I’m looking for the Johnsons’ apartment. Am I on the right floor?

  Man: No, they live on the second floor. You can take the stairs up.


  Man: I put my pen in my pocket today and it leaked ink all over my shirt.

  Woman: How many times have I told you not to do that? I wish you’d listen to me once in a while.


  Woman: I certainly would like to buy the green dress I saw in the department store, but I don’t have enough money.

  Man: Well, if you had spent your money carefully, you would be able to buy it.


  power of concentration 聚精会神的能力,集中精力的能力;amazing adj.令人惊讶的;hold the line别挂电话;find out (动词短语)了解一下;captain n.机长,船长;fasten vt.系;seat belt安全带;leak ink 漏墨水;once in a while偶尔,有时候

  Part VI:快速阅读

  Fall into a Trap(陷阱)

  This is a true story. When you read it, try to remember it. If you are a woman, it can happen to you.

  A woman named Mrs. Carter was buying some things in a big shop in New York. She bought a dress and a coat and one or two other things. After that, she went to a restaurant(饭店)for something. She sat at a table side by side with another woman and put her handbag(女士提包)on the floor by her chair. Soon, she and the other woman started to talk. Then the other woman got up to go. Her handbag fell on the floor and Mrs. Carter took it up and gave it to her. Then the other woman went away.

  Mrs. Carter finished eating and put her hand down to get her handbag. It was not there.

  Poor Mrs. Carter was very troubled(烦扰的). She looked under the table, on the floor, under the chair, but the bag was not there.

  The shopkeeper came to help her.

  "I am very sorry," he said. "This is a bad thing to happen in my shop. I will let you have some money to get back to your home."

  "Thank you, "said Mrs. Carter, "I don't know what to say to Mr. Carter. There was still some money in the bag. I had to do more shopping this afternoon. I still want some more things. Now I can't get them."

  "Mr. Carter will let you have some more money." said the shopkeeper.

  "I don't know, "said Mrs. Carter, "we are not very rich and there are a lot of things to pay for in a house."

  She left the shop and went home sadly. When she got there, she had to go to the people in the next house and ask them to help to get into her house. Her door-key was in her handbag and that was gone.

  The woman in the next house brought a chair and put it under one of the windows. The window was open at the top and Mrs. Carter got into the house that way.

  Later on, Mr. Carter came home. She told him the story and he was very angry.

  "Why didn’t you take care of your handbag?” he said, "you must never put it on the floor. The woman at the table took it. She made you look at something else, then she took it. Now all that money is gone. I can't give you any more. I have other things to pay for."

  "I'll tell the shop not to send my dress or my coat," said Mrs. Carter, "I'll ask them to take them back. That will help."

  Poor woman, she was very unhappy. The next morning she was working in her house and she heard the telephone. She answered it and a man spoke.

  "Are you Mrs. Carter?" he said.

  "Yes," she said. "I am Mrs. Carter."

  "This is Dickens and Eldar speaking," said the man. "We have found your handbag. Someone has left it at the shop, in a box. We don't know anything about it. They left the box this morning and went away quickly."

  "Oh! That is good news," said Mrs. Carter, "I am glad. I was very troubled about it. Is the money still there?"

  "Yes," said the man. "Everything is still there, just as you told us. A woman stole it and then she was sorry and brought it back today. Will you come and get it, please?"

  "Oh! Yes," said Mrs. Carter, "I'll come as soon as I can. I have one or two things to do first, but I'll leave the house in about an hour from now."

  "That will do very well," said the man, "We will see you later."

  Mrs. Carter was very happy. She called Mr. Carter to tell him the good news, but he was out. He had to see a man about some work in another place. Another man spoke to her and told her this.

  "It doesn't matter," said Mrs. Carter. "This is Mr. Carter's wife speaking. I have found my handbag. Someone took it back to the shop. I'm going to get it now. Will you tell him that, please?"

  "Yes," said the man,“I'll tell him. He'll be very pleased to hear it.”

  Mrs. Carter finished her work and went out. She went to the shop and up to the same room. The shopkeeper came to speak to her.

  "I've come to get my handbag," said Mrs. Carter.

  "Your handbag?" said the shopkeeper. "Your handbag isn't here."

  "But it is!" said Mrs. Carter, "You said so. Someone brought it this morning."

  "I'm very sorry," said the man, "but I never said that. I haven't spoken to you today."

  "But you telephoned me," said poor Mrs. Carter, "this morning."

  "No one telephoned you from this shop this morning," he answered.

  "And my bag isn't here?" she said.

  "No, I'm afraid not," said the man.

  "But who telephoned me?" said Mrs. Carter.

  "Was it a man or a woman?" asked the shopkeeper.

  "A man," she answered.

  "He was a friend of the woman at your table." said the man, "You must go back to your house very quickly. I will telephone the police and ask a policeman to meet you there."

  Poor Mrs. Carter went home again, but she was too late. A great many things were gone.

  In Mrs. Carter's handbag was the name of the house and the street. Also the door-key.

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