

http://www.sina.com.cn   2009年09月14日 15:46   新东方

  作者:王冬 来源: 新东方


  1. Describe a Competition You Took Part In 

  2. Describe a Way You Used for Improving English 

  3. Describe a Smart/Intelligent Person 

  4. Describe a Book You'd like to Read for Second Time 

  5. Describe a Small Shop 

  6. Describe a Restaurant         

  7. Describe a Car

  8. Describe a Famous Person 

  Describe a way you used for improving English。

  You should say:

  when and where you used it

  what your way was

  who you told about your way

  and explain why you thought your way would make an improvement。


  I would like to talk about the smart idea I had 1 year ago for improving my English. Talking in the English Corner。

  I had really bad feeling about my Spoken English about a year ago. My pronunciation and tone were understandable but the irritating thing is that I couldn’t express myself with ease. For instance, I always felt frustrated about talking with others. 

  I read English books loudly at home everyday, but actually it didn’t work at all. 2 months after my self-practicing, I came across an American asking for directions, I tried to help, but couldn’t say anything. Then I realized that I should spend time on real talking, not reading. An idea popped up in mind: Practicing in English Corner。

  There was a big English corner around my campus and I could go there everyday. There were many English-speakers being surrounded by Chinese students who wanted to chat. English corner is a good place as where we may exchange English study experience, widen our sight and improve interest in English. I would grasp every chance to talk to foreigners there and if I kept on speaking English everyday, my language ability will be greatly improved. It won’t take too long, I would find that I could express my idea in English without difficulty. Everyone knows that practice makes perfect. English corner could help me to overcome the biggest problem---shyness, which accounts for 90% of my disappointment。

  OK. That’s my way for improving English. I just started last month, hopefully I will succeed。


  English Corner: 英语角 understandable: 可以理解的

  irritating: 令人气愤的 with ease: 容易地

  come across: 偶遇 popped up: 冒出

  widen sight: 开拓眼界 account for: (在数量方面)占

  Describe a competition you took part in。

  You should say:

  what kind of competition it was

  what you had to do

  what the prizes were

  and explain why you chose to take part in this competition。


  Let me talk about a badminton competition I took part in last summer。

  Last summer, the student union organized a badminton tournament in our college. Posters of this competition were all over the campus。

  For this badminton competition, I had to prepare some basic equipment: A racket and many badminton balls. Badminton rackets look a lot like tennis rackets, but they are much more delicate. The ball is called birdie. The birdie has……详见新东方《剑桥雅思考试全真试题集7精讲》口语部分:Describe a competition。

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