

http://www.sina.com.cn   2009年12月14日 16:39   新东方

  Section C

  Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first

  time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the

  second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 36 to 43 with the exact

  words you have just heard. For blanks numbered from 44 to 46 you are required to fill

  in the missing information.For these blanks you can either use the exact words you have

  just heard or write down the main points in your own words. Finally; when the passage

  is read for the third time, you should check what you have written。

  Now listen to the passage

  Job seekers in Britain say employers are paying less attention to(36)applicants’ degrees and

  certificates. They are making their own (37)entrance exams to test ability. They are concerned about

  decreasing (38)standards of job seekers, because many university graduates with good degrees have

  shown a terrible inability to spell, and work out simple (39)sums。

  The chairman of the Standing Conference of Employers of Graduates, told our (40)correspondent: “We don’t look at the pieces of paper (4 )turned in to us, but we look at the people with real

  abilities。” A senior (42)executive with the Bank of England said that many companies were making

  their own (43)intelligence tests so they could be sure that candidates were the right people for the


  In the Civil Service, (44)only about 200 out of 2,000 candidates are chosen after the rest have

  been knocked out by the Service’s own examinations and interviews. Forged certificates, printed in

  Germany, have been discovered recently. (45)These forged certificates are not easy to distinguish

  from the real ones, and can be bought at £25 apiece. Making fake degrees has also become a highly

  profitable business. (46)Fake degrees and diplomas, including Ph. D. degrees, can be obtained for as

  little as £20 upwards. Some so-called “universities” and “colleges” are even selling these attractive


  Now the passage will be read again。

  Job seekers in Britain say employers are paying less attention to(36)applicants’ degrees and

  certificates. They are making their own (37)entrance exams to test ability. They are concerned about

  decreasing (38)standards of job seekers, because many university graduates with good degrees have

  shown a terrible inability to spell, and work out simple (39)sums。

  The chairman of the Standing Conference of Employers of Graduates, told our (40)correspondent: “We don’t look at the pieces of paper (4 )turned in to us, but we look at the people with real

  abilities。” A senior (42)executive with the Bank of England said that many companies were making

  their own (43)intelligence tests so they could be sure that candidates were the right people for the


  In the Civil Service, (44)only about 200 out of 2,000 candidates are chosen after the rest have

  been knocked out by the Service’s own examinations and interviews. Forged certificates, printed in

  Germany, have been discovered recently. (45)These forged certificates are not easy to distinguish

  from the real ones, and can be bought at £25 apiece. Making fake degrees has also become a highly

  profitable business. (46)Fake degrees and diplomas, including Ph. D. degrees, can be obtained for as

  little as £20 upwards. Some so-called “universities” and “colleges” are even selling these attractive


  Now the passage will be read for the third time。

  Job seekers in Britain say employers are paying less attention to(36)applicants’ degrees and

  certificates. They are making their own (37)entrance exams to test ability. They are concerned about

  decreasing (38)standards of job seekers, because many university graduates with good degrees have

  shown a terrible inability to spell, and work out simple (39)sums。

  The chairman of the Standing Conference of Employers of Graduates, told our (40)correspondent: “We don’t look at the pieces of paper (4 )turned in to us, but we look at the people with real

  abilities。” A senior (42)executive with the Bank of England said that many companies were making

  their own (43)intelligence tests so they could be sure that candidates were the right people for the


  In the Civil Service, (44)only about 200 out of 2,000 candidates are chosen after the rest have

  been knocked out by the Service’s own examinations and interviews. Forged certificates, printed in

  Germany, have been discovered recently. (45)These forged certificates are not easy to distinguish

  from the real ones, and can be bought at £25 apiece. Making fake degrees has also become a highly

  profitable business. (46)Fake degrees and diplomas, including Ph. D. degrees, can be obtained for as

  little as £20 upwards. Some so-called “universities” and “colleges” are even selling these attractive


  This is the end of listening comprehension。

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