

http://www.sina.com.cn   2009年12月14日 16:46   新东方

  Section B

  Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear

  some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you

  hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B),

  C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line

  through the center。

  Passage One

  Our electric car is the way of the future. Automobile manufacturers are under the pressure to

  develop cars that do not pollute. One powerful motive is a California law requiring that by the year

  2000, 10% of the new cars sold in the state be so-called zero emission vehicles. These cars must put

  no pollutants whatsoever into the atmosphere. California is a huge market for the automobile companies. So they are working hard to meet this standard. So far the electric car seems to be the best

  alternative. So the biggest advantage of electric cars is that they don’t pollute. However they will be

  in competition with gas-powered cars. And that’s where the weaknesses come out. The big problem

  is that the batteries in electric cars weigh a lot relative to the amount of power they deliver. For instance in one electric car the batteries weigh four hundred kilograms and they provide enough energy

  to go 250 km before recharging, which takes 8 hours. Compare that to a moderately fuel efficient

  conventional car it can go 400-700 km on a tank of gas. And refilling takes just minutes. If there are

  other drains on an electric car’s batteries besides a motor, headlights, air-conditioning or a heater, its

  already limited range would be significantly reduced. So automobile engineers are trying to make

  more powerful batteries that would increase the car’s range and make them more attractive to buyers。

  Questions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard。

  Question 26. What is the talk mainly about?

  2009-10-30 9:45:12

  Question 27. What is the main advantage of electric cars over gas-powered cars?

  Question 28. What is the main drawback of an electric car?

  Passage Two

  If you were a college student there are several things you should know about renting an apartment. First, you must know how to look for a place to live. Friends, teachers and other people you

  meet may know of apartments that are available. You may also find a place to live by looking in a

  campus or see it in newspapers. In some towns, there are rental agencies that can help you find an

  apartment, but think carefully about using agencies. Usually they will charge you a fee. You should

  also walk around and look for buildings with “For Rent” signs。

  When you go to look at apartments to rent, there are several things you ought to do. First, you

  should find out if the apartment is safe. Be sure there are good locks on all the windows and doors。

  It is also a good idea to check all the appliances as well as the water and electricity to be sure everything is working. It might also be a good idea to talk to other people who rent apartments in the same

  building. This will help you to find out if there are any problems。

  If you decide to rent an apartment, the landlord would probably want you to sign a lease. This

  is a legal contract and you ought to read it carefully. You will also need to pay a security deposit. If

  there is no damage the landlord has to return this money to you when you leave。

  Questions 29 to 31 are based on the passage you have just heard。

  Question 29. How many ways of finding apartments are mentioned in this talk?

  Question 30. What does the speaker advise you to do to make sure the apartment is safe?

  Question 31. What should you do if you decide to rent an apartment?

  Passage Three

  Many studies have been made recently about hand preference in human. They have brought

  interesting results. It has been found, for instance, that many more men than women are left handed;

  that all children use both hands about equally until they are three years old; and that hand preference

  is not clearly marked until age six. Above that age, most people not only favor one particular hand,

  but they also have a favorite eye, a favorite ear and foot。

  We know that the left side of the body is controlled by the right side of the brain. It seems that

  this particular half is the seat of emotion, imagination, and of the sense of space. And, indeed, lefties

  seem to be more creative than their right-handed fellow humans; they also seem to be more athletic

  and to do better in some professions which—like sports—require a good sense of space. In a large

  school of architecture, it was found in 1977 that 29 percent of the professors and 23 percent of the

  graduating students were left-handed—while lefties represent less than 10 percent of the general population。

  Lefties manage to drive, to sew, to paint, to use machines as well as any right hander. It is not

  easy for them, however, to struggle with tools, school desks, automobile and television controls, and many ordinary objects. Fortunately the creation of Left-Handers International has attracted attention

  to their problems and caused the appearance of special stores offering all sorts of objects for lefties,

  including wrist-watches, musical instruments, pencil-sharpeners, cameras, scissors, and books that

  show them how to play left-handed guitar and left-handed golf。

  Questions 32 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard。

  Question 32. According to the talk, when do children usually form their hand preference?

  Question 33. What does the speaker think about the right-handers?

  Question 34. Which of the following are the left-handed people most likely to be good at?

  Question 35. Why are there more left-handed athletes?

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