

http://www.sina.com.cn   2009年12月14日 16:46   新东方

  Section C

  Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the

  first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read

  for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 36 to 43 with

  the exact words you have just heard. For blanks numbered from 44 to 46 you are required to fill in the missing information. For these blanks you can either use the exact

  words you have just heard or write down the main points in your own words. Finally,

  when the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written。

  Now listen to the passage

  Belgium has three main (36)geographic regions: the coastal plain, the central plateau and the

  highlands. The coastal plain extends (37)inland 16 to 48 kilometers on the northwest. Along the

  North Sea is a low-lying area (38)consisting mainly of sandy hills and sections of land (39)reclaimed

  from the sea. The coastal plain’s elevation ranges from sea level to 20 meters。

  The central plateau is a (40)gently rolling, slightly elevated area, (41)irrigated by many waterways and containing a number of wide, (42)fertile valleys with a rich soil. The highlands, a densely-

  wooded plateau,(43) averaging 460 meters in elevation, extend across southeastern Belgium and into

  northeastern France. Located here is the highest peak in Belgium with an elevation of 694 meters。

  (44)The climate near the sea is humid and mild. Farther inland, a marked increase in the range

  of temperature occurs. In the highlands, hot summers alternate with cold winters. Heavy rains are

  confined almost exclusively to the highlands。(45) Fog and rain are common, and April and November are particularly rainy months. In Brussels, the average temperatures range from zero to 5 degrees

  Centigrade in January and from 13 to 22 degrees Centigrade in July. (46)Along the coast, the average

  range is 1 degree to 5 degrees Centigrade in January and 14 to 20 degrees Centigrade in July。

  Now the passage will be read again。

  Belgium has three main (36)geographic regions: the coastal plain, the central plateau and the

  highlands. The coastal plain extends (37)inland 16 to 48 kilometers on the northwest. Along the

  North Sea is a low-lying area (38)consisting mainly of sandy hills and sections of land (39)reclaimed

  from the sea. The coastal plain’s elevation ranges from sea level to 20 meters。

  The central plateau is a (40)gently rolling, slightly elevated area, (41)irrigated by many waterways and containing a number of wide, (42)fertile valleys with a rich soil. The highlands, a densely-

  wooded plateau,(43) averaging 460 meters in elevation, extend across southeastern Belgium and into

  northeastern France. Located here is the highest peak in Belgium with an elevation of 694 meters。

  (44)The climate near the sea is humid and mild. Farther inland, a marked increase in the range

  of temperature occurs. In the highlands, hot summers alternate with cold winters. Heavy rains are

  confined almost exclusively to the highlands。(45) Fog and rain are common, and April and November are particularly rainy months. In Brussels, the average temperatures range from zero to 5 degrees

  Centigrade in January and from 13 to 22 degrees Centigrade in July. (46)Along the coast, the average

  range is 1 degree to 5 degrees Centigrade in January and 14 to 20 degrees Centigrade in July。

  Now the passage will be read for the third time。

  Belgium has three main (36)geographic regions: the coastal plain, the central plateau and the

  highlands. The coastal plain extends (37)inland 16 to 48 kilometers on the northwest. Along the

  North Sea is a low-lying area (38)consisting mainly of sandy hills and sections of land (39)reclaimed

  from the sea. The coastal plain’s elevation ranges from sea level to 20 meters。

  The central plateau is a (40)gently rolling, slightly elevated area, (41)irrigated by many waterways and containing a number of wide, (42)fertile valleys with a rich soil. The highlands, a densely-

  wooded plateau,(43) averaging 460 meters in elevation, extend across southeastern Belgium and into

  northeastern France. Located here is the highest peak in Belgium with an elevation of 694 meters。

  (44)The climate near the sea is humid and mild. Farther inland, a marked increase in the range

  of temperature occurs. In the highlands, hot summers alternate with cold winters. Heavy rains are

  confined almost exclusively to the highlands。(45) Fog and rain are common, and April and November are particularly rainy months. In Brussels, the average temperatures range from zero to 5 degrees

  Centigrade in January and from 13 to 22 degrees Centigrade in July. (46)Along the coast, the average

  range is 1 degree to 5 degrees Centigrade in January and 14 to 20 degrees Centigrade in July。

  This is the end of listening comprehension。

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