

http://www.sina.com.cn   2009年12月16日 16:55   文都教育


  Part I   Sample Writing

  On Graduate Mania

  In recent years, people who would like to go to graduate school became more and more. For one thing, thousands of enterprising young men sit for National Graduate Entrance Exam each year. For example, 50 thousand candidates took part in the National Graduate Entrance Exam last year. For another, not only the undergraduates but also the work employees try their best to be postgraduates。

  There are several reasons which lead to this phenomenon. To begin with, it is because of employment pressure that large numbers of people enroll in the National' Graduate Entrance Exam. Owing to enhancement of educational standard, a bachelor's degree is no longer evaluated as a sufficient qualification to ensure a decent job. Secondly, some people, though have been employed for several years, find their knowledge inadequate to meet the demand of this ever- changing world. Finally, many people only follow the suit with no specific purpose。

  In my opinion, we have to think carefully before we decide to apply for graduate school. Can graduate school offer me what I want to learn? Do I need practical work experience or theoretical knowledge? Before we make the choice these questions need to be answered。

  Part Ⅱ   Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)

  1. N     2. Y     3. N     4. NG

  5. costly/expensive

  6. an experienced and qualified/a well experienced

  7. make-up

  8. the risks of weight loss surgery

  9. varies

  10. technology/new techniques

  Part Ⅲ Listening Comprehension

  Section A

  11--15    BCDAA     16---20    BADBA       21--25    BDCCD

  Section B

  26--30    ADAAD     31--35    CDCDB

  Section C

  35. sensitive            37. elected           38. 3,500,000       39. failed

  40. worse              41. understate       42. included         43. 9,000,000

  44. German firms with their high wage and social costs have struggled in an increasingly globalized world economy

  45. Consumers are spending more in the shops, a sign they're more confident about the future

  46. It's been a painful process but economists say it's beginning to produce results。

  Part Ⅳ  Reading Comprehension (Reading in Depth)

  Section A

  47. 1946

  48. The wealthy members of society./The wealthy。

  49. promotion/awareness

  50. Social, economic and environmental contexts. ,/Society, economy and environment。

  51. interrelationships

  Section B

  52--56     ACDBA     57--61     DDABD

  Part Ⅴ  Cloze

  62--66    DBABA     67--71    BBCDD   72--76    CABBD   77--81    AACCB

  Part Ⅵ Translation

  82. Much to our relief, our performance was fully appreciated by the audience

  83. in order to maintain your grades you must review your lessons often

  84. She was so seared by the unexpected blow that she could not speak a word

  85. prices may be brought down by increasing supply or decreasing demand

  86. they have been emotionally detached from each other for quite some time

  Part Ⅱ Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)

  1.由文章第一、二句“For those who consider weight loss surgery,they are at the end of their ropes.Traditional methods of diet and exercise have had no effect,and this procedure is a last resort。”可知当传统的节食和运动等瘦身方式都没有效果时,人们才不得已选择“减肥手术”,可见“手术”并非传统的瘦身方法。故判断为NO。

  2.由“First Steps”部分第二段最后一句“Overweight is the second leading cause of preventable death,after smoking,in the U.S.,according to the AOA。”和“Understanding the Risks”部分第二段第二句“‘There have been good studies looking at the risk of dying after weight loss surgery,showing that although there is a risk of death with surgery,the overall survival rate is improved with surgery compared to not having the surgery at all,and living with obesity,’says Herron。”可见体重超重会导致死亡。因此人们在传统的减肥方法无效的时候选择手术。故此题判断为YES。

  3.由“Preparing for Weight Loss Surgery”部分第一段第一、二句“‘The single most important factor is that they have to realize the surgery is not a cure for obesity,’says Herron.‘It's a very powerful tool used in the fight against obesity.It needs to be considered as part of a process,and a lifelong commitment to follow up with physicians,a regular exercise program, and healthy eating...’”可见手术并不能完全解决肥胖的问题,术后患者要坚持定期锻炼、合理饮食才可能免受肥胖带来的痛苦。故此题判断为NO。

  4.文章中没有提到要求患者手术前戒烟的问题。故判断为NOT GIVEN。

  5.由“First Steps”部分第四段“While there are other options,such as personally financing the procedure,they are costly:The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases web site states that this procedure can run from $20,000 to $35,000.”和第五段第一句“With such a hefty price tag on weight loss surgery,it pays to ensure that your doctor documents your battle with obesity early on,to open up options down the road。”可见减肥手术费用高昂,接受手术的病人最好出具医生的证明,从而让保险公司支付手术费用。故此题答案为“costly/expensive”。

  6.由“Finding a Bariatric Surgeon”部分第二段“Clearly,the surgeon you find should be well experienced in the area of weight loss surgery。”和第三段“‘Make sure the surgeon you choose is an experienced and qualified bariatric surgeon,’says Daniel Herron,chief of bariatric surgery at Mt.Sinai Hospital in New York。”可见要选择合格的、有经验的外科医生。故正确答案为“an experienced and qualified/a well experienced”。

  7.由“Preparing for Weight Loss Surgery”部分第二段,“A person also needs to meet with a nutritionist,to begin to better understand the elements of healthy eating,and how eating habits need to change before and after the surgery.‘By getting into a proper nutritional mindset before surgery,such as learning to eat smaller portions,eating slowly,paying closer attention to the nutritional make-up of meals,a person is better adapted for the major changes in their lifestyle after the surgery,’says Herron。”可见少量进食、细嚼慢咽、注重食物的营养构成都是良好的饮食习惯。故正确答案为“make-up”。

  8.由“Understanding the Risks”部分第一段第一句“Understanding the possible outcomes of weight loss surgery,including the risks,is an important part of preparing for the procedure。”可见,准备过程中,很重要的一个环节是帮助患者了解手术可能带来的后果和风险。故正确答案为“the risks of weight loss surgery”。

  9.由“Post-Op Expectations”部分第一段第二、三句“‘the recovery period is quite variable,’says Herron.‘I have some patients who take a week off and are back full time,and others who take three to four weeks to recover...,”可见,病人康复时间长短不一样。有的需要一周即可,有的则需要三到四周时间。句中需要填写动词。因此,只要把原文中的“variable”改成相应的动词“varies”就可以了。

  10.由“Post-Op Expectations”部分第二段第一、二句话“New techniques have also helped to lessen recovery time.Today,the procedure can be performed minimally invasively via small incisions。”可见新的手术技巧可以缩小手术创口,从而缩短康复时间。因此,可以推断随着技术的发展,康复时间会日渐缩短。故正确答案为“technology/new techniques”。

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