

http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年03月03日 16:28   新东方在线





  1.The news will horrify everyone.  

  A.attract B.terrify C.tempt D.excite

  2.The article sketched the major events of the decade。

  A.described B.offered C.outlined D.presented

  3.I won't tolerate that kind of behavior。

  A.bear B.accept C.admit D.take

  4.Their style of playing football is utterly different。

  A.barely B.scarcely C.hardly D.totally

  5.Her sister urged her to apply for the job。

  A.advised B.caused C.forced D.promised

  6.Even sensible men do absurd things。

  A.unusual B.ridiculous C.special D.typical

  7.She bumped inot her boyfriend in town this morning。

  A.walked B.came C.fled D.ran

  8.This sort of thing is bound to happen。

  A.sure B.quick C.fast D.swift

  9.At the age of 30,Hersey suddenly became a celebrity。

  A.boss B.manager C.star D.dictator

  10.He cannot discriminate between a good idea and a bad one。

  A.judge B.assess C.distinguish D.recognize

  11.They are concerned for the fate of the forest and the lndians who dwell in it。

  A.live B.sleep C.hide D.gather

  12.The index is the government's chief gauge of future economic activity。

  A.method B.measure C.way D.manner

  13.The architecture is harmonious and no building is over six-storey high。

  A.old-fashioned B.traditional C.conventional D.balanced

  14.The food is inadequate for ten people。

  A.demanded B.qualified C.insufficient D.required

  15.She persevered in her ideas despite obvious objections raised by friends。

  A.persisted B.insisted C.resisted D.suggested


  下面的短文后列出了7个句子,请根据短文的内容对每个句子做出判断:如果该句提 供的是正确信息,请选择A;如果该句提供的是错误信息,请选择B;如果该句的信息文中没有提及,请选择C。

  Health Care in the US

  Health care in the US is well-known but very expensive. Paying the doctor's bill after a major illness or accident can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars。

  In the US, a person's company, not the government, pays for health insurance。

  Employers have contracts with insurance companies, which pay for all or part of employees' doctors' bills。

  The amount that the insurance company will pay out to a patient differs wildly. It all depends on what insurance the employer pays. The less the boss pays to the insurance company, the more the employee has to pay the hospital each time he or she gets sick. In 2004, the average worker paid an extra US$558 a year, according to a San Francisco report。

  The system also means many Americans fall through the cracks (遭遗漏). In 2004, only 61 per cent of the population received health insurance through their employers, according to the report. The unemployed, self-employed, part-time workers and graduated students with no jobs were not included。

  Most US university students have a gap between their last day of school and their first day on the job. Often, they are no longer protected by their parents' insurance because they are now considered independent adults. They also cannot buy university health insurance because they are no longer students。

  Another group that falls through the gap of the US system is international students. All are required to have health insurance and cannot begin their classes without it. But exact policies (保险单) differ from school to school。

  Most universities work with health insurance companies and sell their own standard plan for students. Often, buying the school plan is required, but luckily it's also cheaper than buying direct from the insurance company。

  16 In the US, a person's company buys him or her health insurance

  A Right    B Wrong   C Not mentioned

  17 All employees in the US have the same kind of health insurance。

  A Right    B Wrong   C Not mentioned

  18 In 2004, most of the unemployed in the US were women。

  A Right   B Wrong   C Not mentioned

  19 In the US, graduated students with no jobs can buy university health insurance

  A Right    B Wrong   C Not mentioned

  20 All international students in the US have to buy health insurance

  A Right    B Wrong   C Not mentioned

  21 The international students in the US work harder than the American students

  A Right    B Wrong   C Not mentioned

  22 The health care system_ in the US takes care of everyone in the country。

  A Right    B Wrong   C Not mentioned



  Too Late to Regret it

  When I was a junior, I met a second-year student in my department. He wasn't tall or good-looking, but he was very nice, attractive and athletic. He had something that I admired very much. He was natural, warm, and sincere。

  I disregarded (不顾) my parents' disapproval. We were very happy together. He picked me up from my dorm every morning, and after class we would sit alongside the stream that ran through campus, or sunbathe (晒太阳) on the lawn. At night he would walk me back to my dorm. He came from a poor family, but in order to make me happy, he borrowed money from his friend to buy presents and meals for me. Our fellow students looked up to him as a role model, and the girls envied (妒忌) me. He wasn't a local, but wanted to stay here after graduation. I thought we had a future together。

  However, when I got a part-time job during the summer vacation, people began giving me a lot of pressure, saying that a pretty, intelligent girl like me should find a better guy to spend time with. This was also what my family thought. He spent the summer in his hometown, so I was all by myself. When he got back, I began finding fault with him. But his big heart and warmth soon drove all unpleasant thoughts away. However, I had no idea how badly I had hurt him and that things would get worse。

  I had a good part4ime job off campus that paid pretty well. With my good performance at school, I also got admission to graduate school at one of China's best universities. He, on the other hand, did not do so well at school or at work. I had to worry about his living expenses, job and scores。

  Almost all my colleagues and friends advised me to break up with him. Then we had a quarrel last June. He was in great pain, and my cold words and bad moods started turning him away。

  Graduation time was drawing near, and he said he wanted to go back to his hometown. He said that he couldn't put up with me anymore. I was shocked and looked at him in despair。

  True love happens only once, but I found it out too late。

  36 When did the author fall in love with the boy?

  A When she was a junior。

  B After she had a quarrel with him。

  C When she was a second-year student。

  D After she found a part-time job。

  37 What did he do to make her happy?

  A He studied much harder。

  B He often took her for a ride。

  C He often bought her presents and meals。

  D He always endured her insults。

  38 Who advised her to break up with him?

  A His parents。

  B Her teachers。

  C Their fellow students。

  D Her colleagues and friends。

  39 Why did he leave her?

  A Because he hated her。

  B Because he could no longer bear her。

  C Because his parents needed taking care of

  D Because he wasn't a local。

  40 Upon learning that he would leave her, she was

  A very happy。

  B extremely joyful。

  C in great pain。

  D quite relieved。








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