Letters & Emails (南昌)
1. Do you write many letters or emails?
2. Do you think people will still write letters in the future?
3. Reading (西安)
4. network (天津
5. hometown (天津/广州\济南,太原,长沙,合肥,南京)
6. sports (济南、南昌,北京,大连,成都)
7. dancing (济南)
8. Neighbours (北京)
9. Parks (北京,济南,上海)
10.Reading (兰州)
11. language (太原)
12. newspaper
13. weekends (长沙)
1.A small business you want to start (Australia)
2.A letter (New Zealand)
3.A Bad Weather Experience (南昌)
Topic card
Describe an experience you had with bad weather。
You should say:
what sort of bad weather it was
when it happened
where you were when it happened
and explain how it affected you。
Further question
Besides the example you just gave (in Part 2), what are some other examples of bad weather (in your country)?
Do different parts of your country experience different types of bad weather?
Why do you think people call it "bad weather"?
Is there anything we can do to prepare for bad weather?
Do you think bad weather can ever be dangerous?
What do people in your country do when the weather is bad?
How does bad weather affect people?
How does bad weather affect people's mood?
Do you think people become depressed or bored during bad weather?
Why do people live in places where the weather can sometimes be bad?
Do you think there are any problems with the world's climate now?
How do you think these problems were caused?
Do you think the weather (or, the climate) can affect people's mood?
Do you think people who live in (or come from) hot places have different personalities to people who live in (or come from) cold places?
What are the types of natural disasters that sometimes occur?
Do you think there is much we can do to prevent these disasters?
How do you think a government should react to a natural disaster?
What does your government do when a natural disaster occurs?
Do you think what you governments does at these times could be improved in any way?
4.A Leader You Admire (南昌)
Topic card
Describe a leader who you admire。
You should say:
who this person is
what this person did (has done) that you admire
how you know this person or know about this person
and explain how this leader's qualities impressed you。
Further question
Would you like to (do you want to) be a leader?
Why do some people not want to be a leader?
Why can't everyone be a leader?
Why do we need leaders?
Besides company managers (or whoever you chose to talk about), what other kinds of leaders are there?
What are the qualities of a good leader?
What are the differences between a leader and other (ordinary) people?
What are the responsibilities of leadership?
What are the responsibilities of a national leader?
If you were a leader, what would you do?
How can leaders influence others?
How do some people become leaders?
How can society develop future leaders?
How can a spirit of leadership be cultivated in universities or society?
Do you think we should have special schools to train future leaders?
How do you think leaders of the future will be different to current leaders?