

http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年05月03日 12:06   新东方在线微博

  16.An Important Letter You Received (济南)

  Describe an important letter (that) you received

  You should say:

  who wrote it

  what the letter was about

  how you felt about the letter

  and explain why it was important。

  Part 3


  What are the different kinds of things that the post office delivers to people's letter boxes?

  Why do some people write letters to newspapers?

  What can people do if they receive unwanted advertising in the mail?

  Do you think it is better to apply for a job by letter or by email? (Why?/Why not?)

  What is the most difficult kind of letter or email to write?

  How has modern science and technology changed letter writing?


  Do many people in China write emails?

  What kinds of people use emails?

  What are the advantages and disadvantages of emails, compared to handwritten letters?

  Do old people in China write emails?

  What effects, if any, do you think the use of emails might have on traditional Chinese culture?

  Do you think handwriting will still be an important skill in the future?

  17. Your Dream Job as a Child (上海)

  Describe your "dream job" when you were a child。

  You should say:

  what job it was

  what you knew about this type of work

  how you heard about this job

  and explain why you thought this would be a good job

  Part 3

  What kinds of work (what jobs) are most popular (as career choices) among young people today in your country?

  At what age do people in your country generally start their careers?

  Which do you think is more important, job satisfaction or salary?

  How can (or, how do) people achieve job satisfaction?

  Which do you think is better, working for others or working for yourself?

  18. An Advertisement (大连)

  Describe an advertisement that you think is successful。

  You should say:

  what is advertised

  what the advertisement contains

  what kinds of people would be (or, are) interested in

  and explain why you think this advertisement works well。

  Part 3

  The Nature of Advertising

  What are some examples of places where we often see advertisements?

  Why do you think many (most) advertisements use good-looking people (to promote the product or service)?

  The influence of advertisements

  What are the different kinds of advertising?

  What kind of advertising is most common in China?

  What are the ways in which advertisements catch the attention of viewers?

  Is advertising on the internet very influential?

  How do advertisements attract the attention of people?

  What is the purpose (= the function) of advertising? = Why do companies spend money on advertising?

  What kinds of advertisements are most attractive to children (or, young people)?

  Do you think advertisements are a good or bad influence on children?

  Do you think advertisements actually influence people to buy things (perhaps things they don't really need)?

  Do overseas advertisements used in, or adapted for use in China affect Chinese culture and values?

  Controls on Advertisements

  Does the Chinese government control advertisements in any way?

  What should happen to those people or companies who engage in false advertising?

  Do you think there should be controls on (= laws concerning) advertising, for example cigarette and alcohol advertising?

  19. A Book You Would Like to Read Again (成都)

  Describe a type of book you like to read。

  You should say:

  what's the name of the book

  what type of book it is

  what content it has

  and explain why you like to read this type of book。

  Part 3

  Books and other Media

  Besides textbooks, what other materials (or teaching media) are used in schools in China?

  Do you think textbooks will be replaced in future by other teaching media such as small notebook computers?


  Is education important? (Why?)

  How do people in China consider teaching, as a profession?

  Who should decide what is taught in schools & universities - the students, the teachers or the government?

  The Importance of Reading

  Why do children like adults reading stories to them?

  What are some of the main differences between books and films?。

  What can a person learn from reading books from overseas?

  Do you think it's a good idea to learn a foreign language by reading materials such as novels in that language?

  20.a sports events have never been watch but want to go and watch。 

  21. a job you would like to do

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