

http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年05月31日 11:32   新东方在线微博

  Youshould say:

  What itwas

  When andwhere you had it

  Who withyou was

  Andexplain why this experinece was exciting for you

  A trip you went on in your childhood(北京)

  Describea trip you went on in your childhood

  Youshould say:

  How youtraveled

  Why youwent there

  Who youwent with

  Andexplain why you remember this trip or how you felt on this trip

  A free day (澳洲)

  Describea free day you want to enjoy/what you would do if you have a day off from yourwork or school

  Youshould say:

  Where youwill go

  What youwill do

  Who youwill spend the day with

  Andexplain how you think you would feel at the end of this day

  Describe an occasion you have to be polite. (成都)



  how to bepolite

  part three

  How to bepolite?

  What’sthe difference between Chinese and westerners in behaviors?

  How tomake the foreigners understand your politeness?

  How toconceal your bad feelings?

  whatdifferent between being polite and being friendly?

  Agreat change in your life(太原)

  Tell meabout a great change that occurred at some point in your life

  Youshould say:

  What thechange was and when it happened

  If it wasspecial for you or usual for all people

  How ithas changed your life

  And pleaseexplain your feelings about it。

  An unforgettable birthday(上海)




  Describean unforgettable birthday you enjoyed

  Part 3:

  whichbirthday is drawn great attention to by chinese, the birthday of 18 or else?

  What doold people do for birthday?

  And whatdo young people for birthday?

  A historical event you know(江苏)

  Describea historical event you know

  Youshould say:

  When ithappened

  Where ithappened

  What itwas

  Andexplain why you still remember it

  Something kind that someone did for you(上海)

  Describesomething kind that someone did for you

  Youshould say:

  Who itwas

  What itdid

  How ithelped you

  Andexplain how you felt after they did this

  Some type of music of foreign countries(武汉)

  Describean occasion that you heard some type of music of foreign countries

  Youshould say:

  where youheard it?

  When youheard it?

  What didyou feel when you heard it?

  Andexplain why you had this feeling toward the music


  AFamous Person(北京、杭州、澳洲)

  Describea famous person you would like to meet。

  Youshould say:

  who this person is (or, was)

  how you first learnt about him or her

  how/why this person is famous

  and explain why you would like to meet this person。

  Two people from the same family(北京)

  Describetwo people from the same family

  Youshould say:

  Who theyare

  How youknow them

  What kindof people they are

  Andexplain what difference and similarity they are

  An interesting old person(北京、南京、广州)

  Describean interesting old person who you know(or an interesting old person you met orspoke to recently

  You shouldsay:

  What thisperson looks like

  What sortof person he or she is

  When&where or how you met this person

  Andexplain what is interesting about this person

  A friend you haven’t been in contact with fora long time (北京)

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