

http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年05月31日 11:32   新东方在线微博

  Part Three

  In general, what types of TVprograms are most popular in China?

  How do you think televisionwill develop (or change) in the future?

  Describe an advertisement that you think issuccessful(北京、澳洲、昆明、天津)

  Youshould say:

  What isadvertised

  What theadvertisement contains(the contents of this advertisement)

  What isthe function(purpose)of this advertisement

  Andexplain why you think this advertisement works well。

  Describe a work of art(painting or sculpture)youknow/have seen(北京)

  Youshould say:

  When you(first)saw this work of art

  Where yousaw it

  What itlooked like

  Andexplain your feelings about this work of art when you first saw it


  Can yougive some examples of arts?

  Would yousay that handicrafts are a form of art?

  Ispainting (as a hobby)very popular in china?

  Do peopleprefer (to do)Western-style painting or traditional Chinese painting?

  Why doyou think some works of arts, such as some paintings,are sold for very high prices?

  Whatbenefits are there for a child to be exposed to art from an early age?

  Described a piece of good news from yourfamily(天津)

  Youshould say:

  When ithappened


  Whoparticipated in it

  Andexplain how you felt when heard about it

  Something Expensive You Would Buy(广州、武汉)

  Describesomething expensive you would buy when you have enough money。

  Youshould say:

  what itis

  how longyou saved for it

  where youwould buy it

  andexplain why you want to buy it。

  Part three

  What doesthe rich man worry about most?

  How tobecome a rich man?

  Would youlike to invest when you get rich?

  Do youagree that most of the rich men are unhappy?

  What doesChinese people usually invest in?

  Your favorite season(北京)

  Describedyour favorite season of the year

  Youshould say:

  What season(ortime of the year)it is

  What theweather is like at this time

  What youusually do at this time

  Andexplain why you enjoy that season or time of the year

  Your favorite weather(南昌、武汉)

  Describeyour favorite weather you like

  Youshould say:

  What kindof weather it is

  When thisweather usually occurs

  What youusually do during this weather

  Andexplain how this weather affects you

  A Wedding (长春)

  Describea wedding you attended。

  Youshould say:

  whosewedding it was

  who wasthere

  where itwas

  andexplain how you felt at this wedding

  An item of cloth or jewelry you wear in aspecial occasion(广州)

  Describean item of cloth or jewelry you wear in a special occasion。

  Youshould say:

  What thisclothing or jewelry looks like

  Where youbought it

  On whatspecial occasions you wear it

  Andexplain why you wear it on special occasions or and explain what other peoplethink about it

  Childhood toy (南昌)

  Describea toy that was important to you in your childhood

  Youshould say:

  When yougot this toy

  How yougot this toy

  How oftenyou played with it

  What youdid with this toy

  Andexplain why it was important to you or why you like it

  Describe the best part of your time in a day(广州)

  Youshould say:

  What timeit is

  What youdo in that time

  Who youare with

  And explianwhy you think it is the best time


  Describe an interesting wild animal from yourcountry(北京、太原、澳大利亚)

  Youshould say:

  Where youlearned about this animal

  What itlooks like

  Where itlives

  Andexplain why you think this is an interesting animal

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