

http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年06月20日 19:25   新东方在线微博


  A famous person  (北京、郑州、昆明)

  Describea famous person you would like to meet。

  Youshould say:

  who thisperson is (or, was)

  how youfirst learnt about him or her

  how/whythis person is famous

  andexplain why you would like to meet this person。

  A Child (成都)

  Describea child you know

  What is he/she like

  What about his/her personality

  And how do you know him/her

  An interesting Old man (成都)骨灰级旧题

  Describean interesting old man

  Youshould say:

  Whohe/she is

  How yougot to know him/her

  Whathe/she often does

  Andexplain the reason why you think he/she is interesting

  Part 3

  Imagineyou are an old person, what will happen? 五分问题

  What arethe advantages and disadvantages to be old?

  In yourcountry, at which age people may be regarded as being old?

  What willhappen to old person in the future?

  An old friend you wantto see (深圳、哈尔滨)

  Describean old friend you want to see

  Youshould say:

  Who thisfriend is

  How longyou have been known each other

  When youwould like to meet him or her

  What youwould like to do together

  Andexplain why you want to see him or her

  A happiest person (郑州、哈尔滨)

  Describe a happiestperson you know

  You should say:

  Who the person is

  How you know theperson

  How the person showhappiness

  And explain why youthink the person is the happiest

  A Family member who past but lived aninteresting life (重庆)

  Describea past family member who led a interesting life

  You should say:

  Who the person was

  What kind of person he or she was

  What you and this person usually did together

  And explain why you think the person led aninteresting life

  A film character  (哈尔滨)

  Describea character in a film you like。

  Youshould say:

  who thecharacter is

  when youfirst saw the TV programme or film

  what kindof person the character is

  andexplain why you like this Character。


  An interesting public place (苏州)

  Describean interesting public place in your hometown or city

  Youshould say:

  whatplace this is

  whousually goes there

  whypeople go there

  andexplain why people think it is an interesting place to visit。

  Part 3

  Shouldthese public places charges from people?

  What thebenefits to build these public places?

  A Natural beauty for relaxing (澳洲、长沙、杭州、哈尔滨、深圳)

  Describe a place of natural beauty

  You should say:

  Where it is

  What it is

  What do you do there

  and explain why do you it is nice

  Part 3

  What theinfluence will the tourist bring to the scenic spots?

  Whichdepartments care about the environmental problem?

  How tosolve the problems?

  Do youthink education will have positive influence on the environmental protection?

  How doindividuals take part in environment protection?

  Whatkinds of behaviors will cause bad influence on the environment?


  A work of art (深圳、北京、天津)

  Describea painting or work of art that you have seen。

  Youshould say:

  when yousaw this work of art

  where yousaw it

  what itlooked like

  andexplain your impression of it。

  A gift you give to someone (成都) 骨灰级旧题


  Whom yougive the gift to

  Andexplain why you choose the gift

  Part 3

  Why dopeople like to send gifts rather than receiving gifts?

  A book you would like to recommend to others (昆明)旧题换新

  DescribeA book you would like to recommend to others

  Youshould say:

  what'sthe name of the book

  what typeof book it is

  whatcontent it has

  andexplain you would like to recommend to others

  A TV program (杭州)

  Describe a TV program that you like to watch

  You should say:

  What type of program it is

  When you watch it

  Why you watch it

  And explain what you learn from this program

  Part 3

  Whatkinds of TV programs are most popular in your country?

  Will thechildren imitate the violence in the TV?

  Science Lesson in secondary school (杭州、厦门、郑州)

  Describea science lesson that you had in school。(such as biology, chemistry or physics)

  You should say:

  When you attended this lesson

  Where you attended this lesson

  What you learned

  And explain how you learned it

  And explain what happened in the lesson

  Part 3

  How doyou think Chinese Science Lesson?

  Do youthink that boys are more skilled in science?

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