

http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年06月20日 19:25   新东方在线微博

  An electronic device (天津、昆明)

  Describe an electronic device you own or willing to own

  you should say: what is it。

  how did you get it。

  what do you use it for

  why do you think it's useful。

  Part 3

  How doestechnology be used in Education?

  Can youdescribe the change of technology used in Education?

  Comparetechnology in the past and now

  An item of clothing andjewelry you wear in a special occasion (天津)

  Describe an item of clothing and jewelry you wear in aspecial occasion。

  You should say:

  What this clothing or jewelry looks like

  Where you bought it

  On what special occasions you wear it

  And explain why you wear it on special occasions or andexplain what other people think about it

  Part 3

  What are differences of the attitudes between men andwomen toward fashion?

  What is the discrimination between the traditionalclothing and national clothing?

  Something you want to buy when you haveenough money (沈阳、哈尔滨、北京)

  Describesomething expensive you would buy when you have enough money。

  Youshould say:

  what itis

  how longyou saved for it

  where youwould buy it

  andexplain why you want to buy it。

  An musical group(or concert) in your country (北京)

  You should say:

  Which person or band

  Who often likes listening to their/his/her songs

  What kind of music they/he/she sing(s)

  And explain why you admire them/him/her


  Describe a situation that you came with wild animal(重庆)

  You should say:

  Where you came with wild animal

  With who

  What it looks like

  Where it lives

  Part 3:

  Why should we protect animals?

  Is it good to keep animal in the zoo?

  Which animal don’t adapt to be closed in the zoo?

  To people ,is there anything can replacing animal?

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