

http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年07月25日 10:08   新东方在线微博



  在接下来的7月后半个月及8月份的考试中,part one 部分可能高频出现的话题有:Hometown, major, house & apartment, Meals& food , Public Transport, sport, Evening activity, future jobs, Wedding, TV program等。

  Part two部分可能出现的高频话题有:A lake/river that you have visited,The First Day of Your Course or YourWork,A work of art,An important city in your country,Electronic device,A happy family news A Childhood Trip,The difficult thing you ever challenged等等。




  3、物品类话题最近常考的为A work of art及Electronic device。


  5、动物类话题就一个,wild animal,只是会有各种问法,准备的时候尽量做到一个模板可以应对各种问法。

  6、 同学们如有时间可以听课学习,掌握口语回答思路技巧及如何有效的进行口语话题合并,避免海量准备话题,耽误宝贵备考时间。另外可以报有口语模考测试及点评的课程,可以及时了解自己雅思(微博)口语问题所在,避免盲目备考。

  Part One

  Food /meal (墨尔本)

  Which is moreimportant to you, lunch or supper?

  Is breakfastimportant to you?


  What is yourfavorite sport?

  Do you thinkthat sports will do you good?

  Relaxation (墨尔本)

  What is theimportance of relaxation?

  Evening activity (深圳)

  What do youusually do in the evening?

  How often doyou go out in the evening?

  Who do youspend time with?

  What do peopleoften do in the evening?

  Major (深圳、长沙、郑州、北京)

  Future job (深圳、长沙、北京)

  Drawing  (深圳)

  Hometown (深圳、长沙、北京)

  Computer & internet (长沙)

  Wedding (澳洲)

  Public Transport(澳洲、长沙)

  Friends (长沙)

  Language learning(长沙)

  When do youbegin to learn English?

  Why do youlearn English?

  Whatdifficulty you have met in learning English?

  Elementary & primary school (郑州)

  Holidays  (郑州)

  Accommodation  (郑州)

  What is yourhouse/flat like?

  Which part ofthe apartment do you want to make a change?

  What kind ofhouse or flat do you want to live in the future?

  Do you likethe decoration in your home? Why or why not?

  Will you moveto another house or flat in the near future?

  How long haveyou lived there? How do you like it?

  Fashion & Cloth (北京)

  Relatives (北京)

  Part Two


  A Past Family Member Who Led a Interesting Life(长沙)

  Describe a past family member who leda interesting life

  You should say:

  Who the person was

  What kind of person he or she was

  What you and this person usually didtogether

  And explain why you think the personled an interesting life


  Is familyhistory important in China?

  Where or bywhat means can you get information about family history?


  The First Day of Your Course or YourWork(墨尔本、澳洲)

  Describe yourfirst day in college or at work。

  You should say

  When it was

  What you did

  How you spentthe day

  How you feltof it

  Part 3

  How do thegraduates find jobs in your country?

  What kinds ofdepartment should be set up to help the students find jobs?

  How do parentsusually support young people in finding jobs?

  Are thererelevant policies relevant to help graduates to find jobs?

  A childhood trip (深圳)

  Describe atrip in your childhood。

  You should say

  Where you went

  When you tookit

  What you sawand experienced

  How you felt

  An Exciting Experience (长沙)

  Describe an exciting experience youhad

  You should say:

  What it was

  When and where you had it

  Who with you was

  And explain why this experinece wasexciting for you

  TV program (郑州、长沙)

  Describe a TV program that you like towatch

  You should say:

  What type of program it is

  When you watch it

  Why you watch it

  And explain what you learn from thisprogram


  A work of art (深圳)

  Describe a painting or work of artthat you have seen。

  You should say:

  when you saw this work of art

  where you saw it

  what it looked like

  and explain your impression of it。

  Part three

  Do you thinkthat there will be art course in the future? Why?

  Is itnecessary to learn foreign culture? Why?

  A Childhood Toy (长沙)

  Describe a toythat was special to you when you were a child。

  You shouldsay:

  when you gotit

  what it lookedlike

  who gave it toyou

  and explainhow you used it (how you played with it)。

  Part 3

  What toys doparents often buy for children now?

  Did you likeplaying toys by yourself or with others?

  What can peoplelearn from playing toys?


  A lake/river that you have visited (墨尔本、北京)

  Describe a lake/ river/ sea you know/have been to /recommended。

  You should say

  Where it is located

  When you go

  Who you go with

  And explain the reason why you chooseit to say。

  Part three

  Do you thinkthat water is rather important to your city?

  Is there anyproblem of water shortage in your city?

  What are thewater sports in China?

  How doestechnology affect the water resources?

  An important city in your country (郑州)

  Described an important city in yourcountry

  You should say:

  Where the city is

  What people do there

  Whether you visited it before

  And explain why you think the city isimportant

  Part 3

  What are thechanges in recent 20 years?

  What are thekey factors in the development of the city?

  In whataspects has the city changed?

  Do you likethese changes?


    更多信息请访问:新浪雅思频道 雅思论坛


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