

http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年08月03日 18:05   新东方在线微博



  2、Partone 简答题部分几乎覆盖了题库的所有话题,全国考(微博)场频次最高的话题有Hometown、Major、Food& diet、House & apartment、Photography、Futurejob、Language等。

  3、Parttwo部分以事件题居多,其次是物品题,高频话题有人物类的A Happy Person、A Famous Person,地点类的An important city、A natural beauty,事件类的Future Work Plans,An experience you have to be polite,A free day,物品类的Advertisement,A work of painting or sculpture,Achildhood toy,TV program等。


  (1)有些话题在partone和parttwo部分可能同时出现,可以一起准备,比如在成都、天津等考场简答题及话题卡部分同时出现了TV program。


  等考点就常考Your Favorite Weather的话题。最近伦敦举办奥运会,很多考点都涉及到TVprogram和sports之类的话题。

  (3)话题卡部分人物类话题尽量进行合并整理,如A Happy Person和AnInteresting Old Person可以进行合并。




  2、 掌握如何展开话题、如何抓住考官吸引力等方面的技巧和方法,做到举一反三

  3、  重视发音、语感、语素的练习

  4、  通过口试模考,锻炼临场的发挥能力

  Part two部分话题汇总


  A Happy Person(南昌、福州、武汉、天津、成都)

  Describea happy person you know。

  Youshould say:

  whothis person is

  how youknow this person

  whatkind of person he or she is

  andexplain how they show happiness。

  Part 3

  Do youthink that you will be happier if you have much money?

  A Famous Person (广州、石家庄、大连、长沙、杭州)

  Describe a famous person you would liketo meet。

  You should say:

  who this person is (or, was)

  how you first learnt about him or her

  how/why this person is famous

  and explain why you would like to meetthis person。

  Part 3

  Whatare the differences between the celebrity and common people?

  AFriend You Have not Seen for a long time (长沙)

  Describe a friend you have not seen fora long time

  You should say:

  Who this friend is

  How long you have not met with eachother

  When you would like to meet him or her

  What you would like to do together

  And explain why you haven’t met for along time

  A childyou know  (深圳、武汉、杭州)

  Describe a child you know

  What is he/she like

  What about his/her personality

  And how do you know him/her

  A HappyMarriage (石家庄)

  Describe a couple who you think have ahappy marriage。

  You should say:

  who they are

  how long they have been married

  how they live their lives

  and explain why you think they arehappily married。

  AnInteresting Old Person (石家庄、长沙、惠州)骨灰级旧题

  Describe aninteresting old person

  You shouldsay:

  who he or sheis

  where he orshe is living

  how you knewthis person

  and explain whydo you think he is interesting

  Part 3

  What are the differences of the attitude towards the oldnowadays and in the past?

  What are the advantages and disadvantages of being old?

  AnInteresting Family Member (石家庄)

  Describe amember of your family who has had an interesting past。

  You shouldsay:

  who he or sheis

  where theywere living

  how you knowabout this person's past

  and explainwhat is interesting about his or her past。

  A Child (福州)

  Describe a child you know

  What is he/she like

  What about his/her personality

  And how do you know him/her


  Animportant city in your country (苏州、石家庄、广州)

  Described an important city in yourcountry



    更多信息请访问:新浪雅思频道 雅思论坛


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