
雅思7月21日口试话题汇总Part Two

http://www.sina.com.cn   2012年07月25日 10:16   新东方在线微博

  Youshould say:

  whatit is

  howlong you saved for it

  whereyou would buy it

  andexplain why you want to buy it。


  Which is more important, luck oreffort?

  What are the advantages of livingin a rich country compared with living in a poor country?

  Achildhood toy (太原、广州)

  Describea toy that was important to you in your childhood

  Youshould say:

  Whenyou got this toy

  Howyou got this toy

  Howoften you played with it

  Whatyou did with this toy

  Andexplain why it was important to you or why you like it


  What are thedifferences of toys between nowadays and in the past?

  Can children learnsomething in playing toys?

  Do you think it candevelop children's imagination?

  AFamily Photo(兰州)

  Describeone of your favorite family photographs。

  Youshould say:

  whotook the photo

  whenit was taken

  whereit was taken

  andexplain why you like it。



  Describean advertisement that you think is successful。

  Youshould say:

  whatis advertised

  whatthe advertisement contains

  whatkinds of people would be (or, are) interested in

  andexplain why you think this advertisement works well。

  Sciencelesson studied in middle school (北京、青岛、广州)

  Describea science lesson that you had in school。(such as biology, chemistry or physics)

  Youshould say:

  Whenyou attended this lesson

  Whereyou attended this lesson

  Whatyou learned

  Andexplain how you learned it

  Andexplain what happened in the lesson

  TVprogram (长沙、天津、北京、广州、合肥)

  Describea TV program that you like to watch

  Youshould say:

  Whattype of program it is

  Whenyou watch it

  Whyyou watch it

  Andexplain what you learn from this program


  What effects do programme bringto people?

  Abook or magazine you’d like to recommend to others (杭州)

  Describea book or magazine you would like to recommend to others

  Youshould say:

  what'sthe name of the book

  whattype of book it is

  whatcontent it has

  andexplain you would like to recommend to others

  Anitem of jewelry or cloth you wear in a special situation (杭州)

  Describe an item of clothing and jewelry you wear on aspecial occasion

  You should say:

  What this clothing or jewelry looks like

  Where you bought it

  On what special occasions you wear it

  And explain why you wear it on special occasions or andexplain what other people think about it

  Your favorite communication method (广州)

  Describe your favorite communicationmethod

  You should say:

  What it is

  What is the advantage

  When you use it

  And explain why it is your favoriteways of communications

  Electronic device (杭州)

  Describe an electronic device you own or willing to own

  you should say: what is it。

  how did you get it。

  what do you use it for

  why do you think it's useful。

  YourFavorite Weather(深圳、上海)

  Describe your favorite weather。

  what kind of weather it is

  when this weather usually occurs

  what you usually do during this weather

  and explain how this weather affects you。


  What are the changes of people’s clothing in differentweather?

  Why they dress like that?

  Whatare the relations between clothes and weather?

  Whatare the relations between weather and activities?

  Agift (present ) you gave to others (苏州)



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