
2013年04月19日14:46  新东方 微博   


  比如,对话中出现了If I had known....I would have,答案应该是didn't do something。这个题型的变化很小,考来考去就是一点虚拟语气。


  W: Hey, Larry. Wanna meet a few of us for coffee in a little while?

  M:Hmm. I would if I weren't so far behind in this reading I'm doing for history。

  Q: What will the man probably do?

  (A) Continue to read。

  (B) Meet the woman at the library。

  (C) Make some coffee。

  (D) Go out with some friends.?



  W:The museum exhibit that our professor recommended just closed. Last day yesterday。

  M: Oh. I was really looking forward to seeing it。

  Q: What does the man mean?

  (A) He is pleased the exhibit has closed。

  (B) He has already seen the exhibit。

  (C) He is disappointed the exhibit has closed。

  (D) He already knew the exhibit had closed.?答案是C。



  所谓动词顺序,指的就是动作的前后关系或者过去,将来等时间段已经发生或者可能发生的动作。这里,要注意诸如no sooner than, hardly.... when,at first,in the morning等表示时间的短语,因为它们揭示了动作的前后关系。


  M: Can I get a ridesintosthe office with you tomorrow?

  W: Another day would be fine. But I got to be downtown for a meeting first thing in the morning。

  Q: What does the woman imply?

  (A) She'll drop the man off on the way to work。

  (B) The man can ride downtown with her。

  (C) The man will have to leave earlier than usual。

  (D) She can't give the man a ride.?答案是D。

  这里,序数词first thing和动作got to be downtown说明了另外动作发生的不可能性,即“我不能带你”。


  W: I hope you like the novel I lent you. I wasn't sure whether it was the kind of book you would be interested in。

  M:You know, I had the same doubt at first. But once I started I simply couldn't put it down。

  Q: What does the man mean?

  (A) He doubts the woman will like the novel。

  (B) He hasn't started reading the novel yet。

  (C) He enjoyed reading the novel。

  (D) He'll lend the woman the novel after he has read it.?答案是C。

  这里,过去完成时had the same doubt和过去式started,以及表示时间的词(短语)at first和once揭示了已经做过的动作,即阅读过这本小说




  W: My brother is coming this weekend and I thought three of us could go out to dinner Saturday night. Any suggestions?

  M: It's up to you. I don't know the restaurants around here that well. So you know a better place to go than me。

  Q: What does the man mean?

  (A) He already has plans for Saturday night。

  (B) The woman should decideswheresto cat Saturday。

  (C) The woman should ask her brother for a suggestion。

  D) He will make a reservation at the restaurant.?答案是B。



  W: Well, if you are seriously considering buying a car, I'm trying to get rid of mine. All it needs is some new paint。

  M:Thanks. But most used cars end up being more trouble than they are worth。

  Q: What will the man probably do?

  (A) Buy a car from the woman。

  (B) Help the woman paint her car。

  (C) Buy a new car。

  (D) Look for a less expensive car.?答案是C。

  这里,第一个人说“如果你考虑买车的话,我的可以卖给你”。第二个人用了一个“thanks”礼貌地回绝了,并用比较级more trouble说明了不卖他的车的理由,当然第二个人希望买辆新车。否则就不好意思了。


  语气题,在听力的短对话中出现得最多,也比较难。比如如题目中A说: They don't know the news yet. B说:They don't?就这么多。这时题目问what does B imply?答案是:He is surprised that they don't know the news。对付这类题目最好的办法就是多练些题目,同时体会说话的语调,来判断是肯定语气还是否定语气。


  M:Have heard the news? The manager posted this month's work schedule。

  W:She did? Where?

  Q: What does the woman ask?

  (A)swheresthe manager is。

  (B)swheresshe will be working this month。

  (C)swheresshe can find the work schedule。

  (D)swheresthe man heard the news.?答案是C。

  第二个人的第二个问“where?”已经肯定了“she did posted this month's work schedule”。只是不清楚“where she posted this month's work schedule”,而不是选项D中的“where the man heard the news”。


  一些音近的词,如题目中有remember一词,答案中的干扰选项中有number, member这两个词,听起来有点像。如果听的时候不是很仔细,就容易出错。对付这类题目的方法是熟悉出题的思路,如你知道音近是托付出题的一个考点,那就在心里有根弦,这样陷阱倒反成了很明显的标志,然后知道这类题目通常的答案是用一个短语来解释一个词如上面讲的这道题,答案选一个包含有.not forget。短语的选项,而那些含有音近词的选项都是错的。请看下面一道例题:

  M: That's an awfully heavy sweater for a day like today。

  W: Well, I'm going to be at a lecture in the auditorium most of this morning. And you know what the air conditioning is like in there。

  Q: What does the man imply?

  (A) No one will be able to see what he is wearing。

  (B) It is cool in the lecture hall。

  (C) He expects the weather to change later in the day。

  (D) The weather is heavily polluted today.?答案是A。选项C和D都出现了与sweater音近的词weather。其中选项D更容易让考生混淆,因为它里面含有heavily和today与对话中的第一句很像。



  W: I need the receipt for the book insgroupsto exchange it。

  M: All right. Here you are。

  Q:swheresdoes the conversation most likely take place?

  (A) In a bookstore

  (B) In an apartment

  (C) In a classroom

  (D) In a library?答案是A。





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