From the NBA's PR Twitter account:NBA的PR推特上说:
The NBA announced that the Salary Cap for the 2013-14 season will be $58.679M. The tax level for the 2013-14 season has been set at $71.748MNBA宣布2013-14赛季的工资帽会是5867.9万美元。而2013-14赛季的奢侈税起征线则设定为7174.8万美元。
首先来说说工资帽(Salary cap)这个词吧。英文解释为"the maximum amount of money that can be paid collectively in salaries, especially on a professional sports team"。
原推文中出现的tax level指的是奢侈税(Luxury tax),要理解这个概念,首先要理解第三方托管(Escrow)这个概念。所谓的第三方托管是NBA官方先把球员薪金的10%扣下来,放入一个托管账户。如果球员最后的收入没有超过联盟29支球队总收入的55%,那么这笔钱将返还给球员。但如果球员的收入超过了55%,那么这笔钱就被官方没收了。
所谓的奢侈税(Luxury tax)正是这55%的核心所在。如果老板给出的工资超过了联盟总收入的55%,就必须缴纳奢侈税。下赛季的工资帽既然是5867.9万美元,那么奢侈税就应该是7174.8万美元。
The two sides are at odds over how to divide the league's revenue, a salary cap structure and the length of guaranteed contracts。
The team stopped spending, preferring to save salary-cap space for the dazzling free-agent class of 2010.
“This was by far the worst downtown since the luxury tax nearly wiped out the boat builders in the very early 1990s,” Zilkha said。