托福TPO核心词汇之A Warm-Blooded Turtle(2)

2014年04月21日18:01  新东方 微博    收藏本文     

  强化记忆:There is a contradiction between the two sets of figures. 这两组数据相互矛盾。

  Your attitude is in contradiction to your character. 你的态度和你的性格相抵触。


  原文:Its dark, almost black body color may help it to absorb solar radiation. 其深色近乎黑色的体色有助于吸收太阳辐射。

  强化记忆: the biological effects of radiation 辐射对生物体的影响

  unusually high levels of radiation 超高的辐射强度


  原文:A leatherback may be able to pick up some body heat by basking at the surface. 棱皮龟可能会通过晒太阳来收集身体所需的热量。

  强化记忆:Turtles like to bask in the sun. 海龟喜欢曝于阳光中。

  Each had a private little sun for her soul to bask in. 在她们每一个人心里,都独有一个小太阳,晒着她们的灵魂。


  原文:For every ounce of body mass, there is proportionately less surface through which heat can escape. 体重每增加一盎司,相应的容易流失热量的表面就越少。

  强化记忆:The number of accidents is proportionate to the increased volume of traffic. 交通事故的数字与交通量的增长成正比。

  Wages will rise at a rate proportionate to the amount of work you do. 工资将与你所做的工作量成比例增加。

  Loggerhead 红海龟,笨蛋

  原文:Large loggerhead and green turtles can maintain their body temperature at a degree or two above that of the surrounding water, and gigantothermy is probably the way they do it. 红海龟和绿甲海龟可以维持与周围水温略高1摄氏度或2摄氏度或的体温,可能就是利用的巨温性。

  强化记忆:Mrs Smith enjoys setting people at loggerheads. 史密斯太太喜欢挑拨离间。

  Blubber 鲸油,鲸脂

  原文:Leatherbacks do not have blubber. 棱皮龟没有鲸鱼那样的脂肪。

  强化记忆:The whale is rich in blubber. 这种鲸油多。

  The whale blubber is rendered down to make oil. 鲸的脂肪被煎熬成油。


  原文:they do have a reptilian equivalent. 它们和爬行类的动物有着相似的结构。

  强化记忆: Eight kilometers is roughly equivalent to five miles. 八公里约等于五英里。

  You will receive the full equivalent of your money. 你将收到与你的款项价值完全同等的物品。


  原文:Insulation protects the leatherback everywhere but on its head and flippers. 除了头部和鳍,这个“绝缘”结构可以保护它们的所有部位。

  强化记忆:The seal's flipper is homologous with the human arm. 海豹的鳍肢与人类的手臂同源。

  It's almost like a flipper action as she kicks down. 她向下踢腿时有鱼鳍的效果。

  Blade 刀片,刀锋

  原文:Because the flippers are comparatively thin and blade-like, they are the one part of the leatherback that is likely to become chilled. 因为棱皮龟的鳍相对较薄且呈叶片状,这一部位很有可能会被冻僵。

  强化记忆:Blade and handle are the component parts of a knife. 刀身和刀柄是一把刀的组成部分。

  The knife's blade gleamed dully in the dark. 刀刃在黑暗中幽幽地闪着光。

  Aerodynamic 空气动力学的

  原文:There is not much that the turtle can do about this without compromising the aerodynamic shape of the flipper. 在不损害鳍部气动外形的情况下很少有海龟可以做到这些。

  强化记忆:The newspaperman summarized the crux of the aerodynamic phenomenon. 记者总结了空气动力现象之谜。

  These effects appear to be negligible with respect to aerodynamic coefficients. 就空气动力系数这方面来说,这些影响似乎可以略去。

  Countercurrent 逆流,相反

  原文:The leatherback accomplishes this by arranging the blood vessels in the base of its flipper into a countercurrent exchange system. 棱皮龟通过鳍下排列的血管流入逆流交换系统来实现这一点。

  强化记忆:Countercurrent washing is applied to reduce acid pollution effectively. 逆流洗涤方式能有效减轻酸污染。


  原文:There is not much that the turtle can do about this without compromising the aerodynamic shape of the flipper. 在不损害鳍部气动外形的情况下很少有海龟可以做到这些。

  强化记忆:He made the fatal mistake of compromising early. 他犯了过早妥协的致命错误。

  She turned red and then white in the most compromising fashion. 她的脸始而变红,继而转白,一副妥协的样子。

  Floe 浮冰

  原文:That is why a gull can stand on an ice floe without freezing. 这就是为什么海鸥可以站在冰川上而不被冻结。

  强化记忆:Two penguins are standing on ice floe. 两只企鹅站在一块浮冰上。

  Two Atlantic walruses snuggle on an ice floe near Igloolik, Nunavut, Canada. 加拿大努勒维特伊格卢利克附近,两头大西洋海象在浮冰上相互偎依。


  原文:They do have a reptilian equivalent: thick, oil-saturated skin, with a layer of fibrous, fatty tissue just beneath it. 它们和爬行类的动物有着相似的结构:厚且含油的皮肤,皮肤下有一层纤维,而脂肪组织就在这个纤维层下面。

  强化记忆:Wetting of fibrous materials can critically affect many manufacturing processes. 纤维材料的润湿,会严重影响它的许多加工工艺。

  Cellophane is made of long, fibrous molecules. 玻璃纸系由长形纤维分子组成。


  原文:That is why a gull can stand on an ice floe without freezing. 这就是为什么海鸥可以站在冰川上而不被冻结。

  强化记忆:The gull held the fish in its beak. 海鸥嘴里叼着鱼。

  A lone sea gull flew across the sky. 一只孤独的海鸥在空中飞过。



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