
http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年09月11日 19:26   北文图书

  第七单元 名词


  1. 名词总的说来可分为两大类:

  △专有名词(Proper Nouns):某些人、集体、地方、机构等的专有名词,通常第一个字母要大写,如:

  Charles, Americans, London, Parliament, India

  △普通名词(Common Nouns):一类人、一样东西、一个概念等的名称,如:

  worker, computer, beauty, peace, language

  2. 普通名词又分为四大类:

  1) 个体名词:表示某类人或东西中的个体:

  child, dancer, cat, star

  2) 集体名词:某类集体的名称:

  family, police, class, committee

  3) 物质名词:某类无法分为个体的实物:

  gold, water, air, coffee

  4) 抽象名词:表示动作、品质、感情等抽象概念的名词:

  love, bravery, happiness, silence

  3. 这四类名词又可归纳为可数名词和不可数名词:


  名词 个体名词

  普通名词 集体名词 可数名词


  抽象名词 不可数名词


  1. 指出划线的词为哪类名词:

  1) I went into the bathroom to have a wash.

  2) The largest group are the boys.

  3) She has great interest in ancient history.

  4) Henry asked us for help.

  5) There was little furniture in the room.

  6) Food was expensive in those days.

  7) They want to spend more money on roads.

  8) My uncle started work at twelve.

  9) He often asked his uncle for advice.

  10) They own a little land near Cambridge.

  2. 指出划线的词是可数名词还是不可数名词:

  1) He likes living in the countryside.

  2) Which country are you going to?

  3) He is wanted by the police.

  4) Her aunts are policewomen.

  5) He went to the pictures with his girlfriend.

  6) Have you seen my glasses?

  7) The furniture was covered with dust.

  8) They often talk about the weather.

  9) I don’t want any help, I want some information.

  10) Give me a sheet of paper.

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