
http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年11月27日 11:23   英语教师网


  Ⅰ .从下列A、B、C、D四个选项中找出恰当的字母或字母组合使单词完整正确。

  ( )1 .q terA .arB .orC .worD .uar

  ( )2 .know geA .ledB .lidC .ladD .le

  ( )3 .Sat dayA .erB .irC .urD .or

  ( )4 .po bleA .siB .ssiC .seD .sse

  ( )5 .lang geA .wiB .waC .ueD .ua

  ( )6 .gr ndA .ouB .auC .oaD .ua

  ( )7 .d ghterA .onB .auC .orD .ua

  ( )8 .b t fulA .u ;eB .eu ;iC .eau ;eD .eau ;i

  ( )9 .p c A .e ;cherB .i ;tureC .i ;cherD .e ;ture

  ( )10 .d ction ryA .e ;eB .i ;eC .e ;aD .i ;a

  Ⅱ .下列每组单词中,有一个单词有拼写错误,请指出。

  ( )1 .A .caughtB .braughtC .taughtD .bought

  ( )2 .A .hasB .havingC .hadD .haved

  ( )3 .A .reechB .sweaterC .streetD .teacher

  ( )4 .A .JapaneseB .machineC .poleceD .writer

  ( )5 .A .careB .wearC .theirD .pare

  ( )6 .A .afraidB .radioC .almistD .Canadian

  ( )7 .A .foreignB .friendC .quietlyD .piece

  ( )8 .A .ladderB .bottlerC .dangerD .farther

  ( )9 .A .dirtyB .pianoC .WenesdayD .twelfth

  ( )10 .A .suddenlyB .subjectC .sunshineD .student

  Ⅲ .根据所给英语释义写出单词(首字母已给出)。

  1 .become a member ofj

  2 .have (clothes) on the bodyw

  3 .almost noth

  4 .not any ,no onen

  5 .at lastf

  6 .the fourth day of a weekW

  7 .the opposite of cheape

  8 .father or motherp

  9 .ice boxf

  10 .go in a car or on a horse or a biker

  Ⅳ .根据句意和音标写单词。

  1 .His sister is a [li :g] member.

  2 .Our teacher often [pleiz] games with us.

  3 .Bell [in′ventid] the telephone.

  4 .Do you [bi′li :v] what he said ?

  5 .What’s the [′we ] like today ?

  6 .They started climbing the [′mauntin].

  7 . [ u] he was ill ,he went to school.

  8 .It took 300 workers a year to [bild] the railway bridge.

  9 .By the end of last month the writer had [′ritn] 250 pages.

  10 .I will go shopping if I have [′n θi ] to do this Sunday.

  Ⅴ .用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。

  1 .“Thank you ,”he said (polite).

  2 .Children must be stopped from (skate) on thin ice .

  3 .She spends one hour (watch) TV every day .

  4 .Keep (quietly) !They are listening to the teacher .

  5 .Would you please say it again more (loud) ?

  6 .Keep on (work) hard ,or you’ll fall behind other students .

  7 .I’ve been on the Great Wall (two) .

  8 .Thank you for (lend) me the story book .

  9 .I often write “Best (wish) for Teachers’ Day !”on the cards .

  10 .Meimei did (badly) than Lucy in the high jump .

  11 .After ten minutes’ rest ,they went on (walk) .

  12 .I saw a wallet (lie) on the ground on my way home .

  13 .There is a fire (burn) in the fireplace .

  14 . (pick) apples is better than (have) classes .

  15 .They went to the park instead of (stay) at home last Saturday .

  16 .“See you” is another way of (say) “Goodbye” .

  17 .They enjoy (take) a walk after supper .

  18 .I don’t feel like (eat) anything now .

  19 .The teachers are busy (get) ready for tomorrow’s work.

  20 .Don’t forget to take the (shop) list with you.

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