
http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年11月27日 11:23   英语教师网


  Ⅵ .根据句意,选择与句中划线部分意思相同或相近的解释。

  1 .We are very glad to hear the good news .

  A .sorryB .sadC .pleased

  2 .I will go to see my grandma this evening .

  A .visitB .moveC .watch

  3 .They have a lot of apples and bananas in the basket .

  A .someB .manyC .much

  4 .Alice will go shopping with her aunt tomorrow .

  A .buy somethingB .borrow booksC .wash clothes

  5 .The little boy is good at drawing .

  A .is poor atB .is slow atC .does well in

  6 .What are the boys doing ?They are at work .

  A .are workersB .work hereC .are working

  7 .We were busy last week ,so we had a little rest .

  A .a smallB .a shortC .a few

  8 .Mrs Green usually goes for a walk after supper .

  A .has a walkB .walks aroundC .wants a walk

  9 .Jim arrived at the farm early.

  A .got onB .got upC .got to

  10 .My grandma bought a big birthday present for both of us.

  A .both usB .we bothC .us both

  11 .—Hello ,may I speak to Mr. White ,please ?

  —Hold on for a moment ,please .

  A .WaitB .SitC .Stop

  12 .It’s really difficult to learn maths well .

  A .wrongB .easyC .hard

  13 .Bob is very strong .He is able to carry the box.

  A .mustB .canC .need

  14 .Han Meimei has a few American friends .

  A .manyB .someC .no

  15 .We are happy to see you again .

  A .worriedB .sadC .pleased

  Ⅶ .根据句意及汉语提示,在下列各句空缺处写出各单词的正确形式。

  1 .Can you answer my (三) question in English ?

  2 .Mary did (差) in the exam than Lucy .

  3 .Look !They are talking (高兴) in the room .

  4 .I (驾驶) my car to Beijing last summer .

  5 .My house is not far from my (叔叔) .

  6 .The sun is (照耀) brightly in the sky .

  7 .They will bring some (土豆) for a picnic tomorrow .

  8 .He gets on very well with his (父母) .

  9 .I like (浅) colours ,for example ,white .

  10 .Mr Wang (搬迁) here last week .He is a new comer .

  11 .I usually go to work on (步行) .

  12 .There are ten (班级) in our grade .

  13 .Lucy studies (努力地) than Lily

  14 .Mr Smith will give us a talk at the (会议) .

  15 .—Excuse me ,may I (借) your eraser ?

  —Certainly .here you are .

  16 .It is an (容易的) question .I can answer it .

  17 .He won’t do it .I won’t do it , (也) .

  18 .Is there a (书桌) in your room ?

  19 .Your hands are so (脏的) again .Go and wash them .

  20 .They have planted more than two (千) young trees this spring .

  Ⅷ .根据句子的意思和首字母提示,用适当的词填空,使句子的意思连贯与正确。

  1 .Whose is this T-shirt ?It isn’t m .It’s hers .

  2 .This bag is big .Please give me a s one .

  3 .My father works in a hospital .He is a d .

  4 .April is the f month of the year .

  5 .When the lights are g ,the traffic can go .

  6 .Fifteen minutes is a q .

  7 .September 10th is T Day .

  8 .C is spoken by the largest number of people in the world .

  9 .When s comes ,everything begins to grow .It’s my favourite season of the year .

  10 .—Pardon ,doctor ?

  —I said ,“Take the m three times a day ,and you’ll be well soon .”

  11 .Mr Turner liked visiting some places of great interest ,but he didn’t want to s too much money .

  12 .—Have you watched the seven o’clock CCTV news report ?

  —Yes .There is a lot of i news in it .

  13 .You look w .What’s wrong with you ?

  14 .—Do you mind cleaning your room ?It’s very d .

  —Certainly not .I’ll do it as soon as possible .



  Ⅰ .1—5 DACBD 6—10 ABDBD Ⅱ .1—5 BDACD 6—10 CABCC Ⅲ .1 .join 2 .wear 3 .hardly 4 .none 5 .finally 6 .Wednesday 7 .expensive 8 .parent 9 .fridge 10 .ride Ⅳ . 1 .League 2 .plays 3 .invented 4 .believe 5 .weather 6 .mountain 7 .Though 8 .build 9 .written 10 .nothing Ⅴ .1 .politely 2 .skating 3 .watching 4 .quiet 5 .loudly 6 .working 7 .twice 8 .lending 9 .wishes 10 .worse 11 .walking 12 .lying 13 .burning 14 .Picking ;having 15 .staying 16 .saying 17 .taking 18 .eating 19 .getting 20 .shopping


  Ⅵ . 1 .C 2 .A 3 .B 4 .A 5 .C 6 .C 7 .B 8 .A 9 .C 10 .C 11 .A 12 .C 13 .B 14 .B 15 .C Ⅶ . 1 .third 2 .worse 3 .happily 4 .drove 5 .uncle’s 6 .shining 7 .potatoes 8 .parents 9 .light 10 .moved 11 .foot 12 .classes 13 .harder 14 .meeting 15 .borrow 16 .easy 17 .either 18 .desk 19 .dirty 20 .thousand Ⅷ .1 .mine 2 .small 3 .doctor 4 .fourth 5 .green 6 .quarter 7 .Teacher’s 8 .Chinese 9 .spring 10 .medicine 11 .spend 12 .important/interesting 13 .worried/weak 14 .dirty

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