

http://www.sina.com.cn  2008年08月19日 15:58   英语学习网


  it 在句中作形式主语或形式宾语的替代用法

  1. it作形式主语可以代替句中的动词不定式、动词-ing分词或一个句子。

  It is important for us to learn English well. (it替代不定式to learn English)

  It is no use making such an apology to us Chinese. ( It 替代动词-ing分词 making such an apology)

  It is happy for her parents that she is well now. (it 替代句子that she is well now)

  2. it作形式宾语可以代替句中的动词不定式,此时句中的谓语事由某些特殊动词 (如:findthinkfeel等)充当的。

  I find it impossible to finish so much work in such a short time. (it 替代不定式to finish so much work)

  that this在句中的替代用法

  1、 that

  A: I’m going to wear my new jeans to her party.

  B: You can’t do that. (that替代to wear my new jeans to her party这一事情)

  2. this

  this 在介绍某人或某物时,指的是靠近自己的一方。

  A: Hi, Mr. Smith, This is my friend, Bill.

  B: Nice to meet you, Bill.

  C: Nice to meet you, Mr. Smith.

  This 在电话用语中指的是自己。

  A: Hello, may I speak to Miss Li?

  B: This is Miss Li speaking. (我就是李女士)

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