
which that等在定语从句中替代用法 

http://www.sina.com.cn  2008年08月19日 15:58   英语学习网

  which、that 、who、whom在定语从句中的替代用法

  1. which 在句中放指物的先行词后或整个句子后,引导限定性定语从句或非限定性定语从句。

  She said I was lazy, which isn’t true.( which替代句子 She said I was lazy)

  This is the pen which was bought by my father. (which替代的是 the pen)

  2. that在句中放先行词后,引导限定性定语从句。既可指物,也可指人。

  The book that she borrowed from the library was lost. ( that替代的是The book)

  The man that with a knife in his hand is a murderer. (that替代的是The man )

  The pants are too small for me, Can you show me another pair? (因为another后面只能跟单数可数名词,故而这里用pair代替,意为a pair of pants)


  The red pants are too small for me. Can you show me the blue ones. (此处ones替代的是pants)

  同样,当遇上不可数名词时,也要用相应的一些量词来代替one 的概念,或用相应的量词复数来代替ones的概念。

  The paper is too small for the little girl to paint on, please give her another piece.(因为有a piece of paper)

  I’m so hungry that this slice of chicken isn’t enough. Could you give me 3 more slices?(代替的是3 more slices of chicken.)


  1) A: Look! There are many bottles of milk on the desk.

  B: Yes, and which one do you like best? (此处用one的原因是A句中已经出现bottles of milk, 所以可以代替one bottle of milk)

  2) A: There is much milk on the desk.

  B: Yes, but which bottle bag do you like best? (此处A句中心词为milk,因为milk 前面不能用one 来直接修饰,而只能用bottle或bag 来代表数量,可以说a bottle of milk a bag of milk)



  1) A: Where is Jeanie?

  B: Oh, she is at Mary’s. (这里的Mary’s代替的是Mary’s house)

  2) Yesterday Tom’s father was ill, now he is at the doctor’s. ( 这里的doctor’s代替的是doctor’s room 或doctor’s clinic)

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