

http://www.sina.com.cn   2008年10月28日 16:34   新浪教育

本文选自popmay博客 点击查看原文

  下面的英语句子都是出自<朗文国际>三册和四册的学生作文, 不是病句就是错句. 让我们用锐利的眼睛, 一起来找茬吧.

  1. We have computer class one week a time.

  2. Go into my school, you can see many flowers.

  3. There have 100 books.

  4. I study there very happy.

  5. I usually swimming there.

  6. I forget said this, our school wall beside has many trees.

  7. Several hours after, he was surprised.

  8. He had to asked the other one.

  9. He thought he speak well.

  10. Mr. Li is come from Beijing .

  11. He was very hardly. He likes studying Chinese.

  12. This film is very good-looking .

  13. It is very good to family look.

  14. I think we can’t live Internet.

  15. People use the net to send the mails has the most people.

  16. I have a future dream.

  17. It can help me to walk on my life road.

  18. I think everything must be change a lot.

  19. I just wonder what does my future like and what should I do.

  20. But I singing not very well.

  21. Tom’s mum didn’t care him.

  22. Almost students use the computer not study.

  23. Send mail is most of people like to do in the net.

  24. When I was very small.

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