

http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年03月02日 16:44   自考365.COM


  强调主语 It is I that/who am to blame

  2. 强调直接宾语 It was a glass that Mary broke。

  3. 强调间接宾语 It was him that I gave the pen to。

  4. 强调介词宾语 It is this room that I am living in。

  5. 强调状语 1) 时间状语 It was last year that Tom graduated from high school。

  2) 地点状语 It was under the bridge that we found him。

  3) 原因状语 It was for his arrogance that I dislike him。

  4) 目的状语 It was for pleasure that I read it。

  不仅可以是陈述句 , 还可以是疑问句和感叹句 。

  Was it you that/who lost a watch yesterday What great progress it was that you made。

  强调句可以是一个从句 , 被强调的部分也可以是从句 。

  I was told that it was because he hadn’t received the invitation that he didn’t come

  It was there, the police believe,——she was able to activate the recorder she kept in her bag。

  A. that B.until C. which D. when


  第一类型 :

  见词就填 :

  A. (should ) do

  (should) be

  B. (should) be + 过去分词

  第一类型虚拟语气 A

  动词  名词  形容词 
建议  advise  advice  advisable 
  propose  proposal   
  suggest  Suggestion  suggested 
坚持  insist  insistence  insistent 
要求  require  Requirement   
  desire  desire  desired 
  demand  Demand   
  request  request  Requested 
建议  recommend  Recommendation   
命令  order  order  Ordered 
决定  decide  decision  Decided 
命令  command  command   
宁愿  prefer  preference  Preferable 
决定  determine  determination   
命令  Instruct  Instruction   
安排  arrange  Arrangement  Arranged 
重要    Importance  important 

  第一类型虚拟语气 B


  Urgent, necessary, important, possible, essential, incredible, natural, ridiculous, vital, imperative, crucial, critical, proper, compulsory, etc。

  形容词带的从句 : It is important that every member (should) inform himself of these rules。

  主语从句 : It is decided that the meeting (should) be postponed。

  宾语从句 : He insisted that his daughter (should) come。

  表语从句 : The doctor’s advice is that the patient (should) be kept quiet。

  同位语从句 : He gave order that the guests (should) be hospitably entertained。

  考题 : They demanded that the right to vote——(give) to every adult person. [(should) be given]

  For a child to give up less mature idea for a more sophisticate one, it requires that the child ____ psychologically ready for the new idea.

  A.is B.be C.were D.would be

  第二类型 : if 的非真实条件句 ( 可能性小或没有可能 )

  注意 : if 可以引导真实条件句 , 多是条件状语从句 。

  第二类型虚拟语气 ( 时态到推的概念 )


  Wish 之后 用 Wish+ 主语 +would(could) + v. I wish you would stay with me far a while

  I wish I could fly。

  It is (about. High……) time that + 从句 (V.ed)

  It is high time that we began to work。

  In case, lest, for fear that (should)+ V。

  The mad man was out in the padded cell lest he ——himself。

  A. injure B. had injured c. injured d. would injure。

  Would rather =had rather, would just as soon, would sooner, would prefer 多加过去式表示尚未发生的动作 。


  全部倒装 In came Jack. Now comes your turn。

  Among them were two girls。


  Hardly/scarcely/barely had we got on the bus when it began to rain。

  No sooner had he put down the receiver than the telephone rang again。

  Not until many years later did the whole truth become known。

  Not only did he win the championship in the race, but he also broke the world record。

  Neither my sister nor I have traveled by air。

  Never, nowhere, no longer, little, feww, not…( not a single word) no. (at no time, by no means, in no way, on no account, under/in no circumstances)

  Only here can you buy fresh eggs。


  To become actresses is their ambition。

  Nodding often means you say“ yes。”

  What I did was to give her a book。

  Neither she nor I am wet。

  Many a student doesn't like having to do their homework。


  连接代词 who, whom, whose, what, which, whoever, whatever, which ever

  连接副词 when, how, why, where, whenever, wherever

  并列连词 and, but, or, so , therefore, yet, however, nevertheless, for, hence, as well as, both……and, not only……but also, either……or, neither……nor,

  从属连词 after, when, before, as, while, since, until, till, although, though, if , even if, unless, lest, because, than, that, whether, so that, as soon as, as long as, in order that, as if, as though, in case, now that, so……that, such……that, as .as。

  When we play a game, we enjoy what we are doing, —— we should not play it。

  A. otherwise B. instead C. nevertheless D. either


  Any,one, none, nothing, neither, either, both, all, anyone, any one, some, any, much, many

  Are you sure there are not—— sharks here A.any B. some C. many D. much。

  Used to , be used to doing

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