To be snookered 被骗了

Liu Chuang takes a shot at the red ball in the World Snooker Championship at the Crucible Theatre in Sheffield. Photo: Tom Shaw.
如果你被 snookered, 意思就是你被骗了。
Snooker players strive to achieve a 'maximum break'. This involves scoring 147 points by potting all of the balls in a set order. It involves careful tactics and precision, and players who achieve a '147' are rewarded with substantial prize money.
英式斯诺克参赛者都努力的想实现“最大突破”。这意味着实现累计总分147,它涉及到谨慎的战术和定位精确度。球员击球的顺序是将红色球与黑色球分别交替落袋,直至所有红色球全部离台,然后按彩球分值由低至高的顺序将其全部击入袋中。 参赛者只要能达到一个' 147 ',将会得到丰厚的奖赏。
I was snookered by a fake internet company – I paid one hundred pounds for a handbag but never received anything!
This email says I will receive ten thousand pounds if I hand over my bank details – do you think someone's trying to snooker me?
如果你 pot shot 某人,意思就是批评某人,尤其是在这个人已经成为大家的抨击对象时。
The scandal allowed the opposition to take a pot shot at the government.