Stony-faced 面无表情的

The British sculptor Emily Young stares at a large stone head she created, part of an installation called Metaphysics of Stone. Photograph by Oli Scarff.
如果形容某人是 stony-faced 那就表示此人看上去毫无表情或不动心的。
Emily Young is one of the best-regarded British sculptors of her generation. She has travelled very widely, visiting Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, France and Italy, Africa and the middle east.
一代天骄Emily Young 是著名英国雕塑家。她周游多国其中包括阿富汗,巴基斯坦,印度,法国,意大利,还有非洲和中东地区。
I tried to get the judge to be on my side by making a joke but he remained stony-faced.
I got caught smoking at school. I'll never forget the stony faces of my parents when they read the letter from the headmaster.
我们还可以用 stonily 作副词。
Mary didn't cry at the funeral. Even when other people were weeping she just stared stonily at the ground.
我们可以用 a stony silence 来表示一种尴尬的沉默。
I've been asking her what's wrong for hours but all I get is this stony silence.