Fishing for compliments 拐弯抹角谋求恭维
The script of this programme 本节目台词
Li: Hello and welcome to Authentic Real English, I'm Li and with me today is Rob.
Rob: Shhh Li, be quiet. I think I've nearly caught one.
Li: Caught what?
Rob: A fish! That's why we're fishing - to catch a fish.
Li: Ah yes. 我们正在钓鱼,希望有收获,钓一条大鱼。
Rob: I did say I would teach you the art of fishing - how to cast off and how to reel in a massive fish.
Li: Rob! 这么说你对钓鱼很在行?
Rob: Yes, I've been doing it for years... I once caught a massive shark... it was THIS big... but I'm not that good at it. I just do it for fun really, I'm not competitive or anything like that!
Li: Of course you're not! Rob 是在想办法谋求恭维。Rob, are you hoping to catch some compliments today?
Rob: How big are they exactly?
Li: No. Compliments 我说的是恭维。当我们形容某人是在 "fishing for compliments" 意思就是说一个人假装谦虚为了让别人说一些表扬的话,恭维自己。 So Rob, you want me to say something good about your fishing?

What is this man fishing for?
Rob: No... not really... well, just one compliment maybe?
Li: Hmmm, I'll have a think while we listen to some examples of this phrase:
- Jean was fishing for compliments about her outfit when she pretended she only took five minutes to get ready!
- John kept saying he couldn't run very fast but he still won the race; I think he was just fishing for compliments.
- Fred: Oh I can only speak a few words of French. I'm no good at languages.
- Jane: Oh stop fishing for compliments Fred - we know you can speak five languages!
Li: 听出来了吗?"Fishing for compliments" 就是拐弯抹角谋求恭维。Well Rob, I am impressed with your fishing skills - look, you've actually caught something!
Rob: Oh yes - quick, let's pull it in.
Li: Oh Rob, it's just an old shoe. Perhaps you were right, you're not very good at fishing - but that's OK, I'm not much good either, all I've managed to catch today is this 50 kilogram salmon - what do you think?
Rob: (genuinely impressed) Wow - for a first time, that is amazing. I think that deserves a compliment...
Li: 瞧,Rob 这么佩服我,肯定要恭维我一番哟! Go on then Rob...
Rob: I was going to say the eyes on that fish look just like yours!
Li: Hmm, that wasn't the compliment I was fishing for. In you go...
Li: for your own compliments! Bye.
Rob: Bye. Can you get me out please?