Bear with me 请耐心稍等

Man dressed in a polar bear costume

A volunteer dressed in a polar bear costume takes part in a demonstration in Paris which calls on political leaders to protect the Arctic. Photo: Pierre Andrieu/AFP/Getty Images


Using their incredible sense of smell to track their prey, adult polar bears spend most of their lives alone, wandering over miles of frozen ice looking for blubber-rich prey such as seals, walruses and even whales. They are also remarkably good swimmers.



如果你想让某人耐心的等你做一件事情,你可以说 bear with me.


Bear with me. I'm on the phone right now and I will be with you shortly.

If you could just bear with me for a moment I will find the address of my dentist to give you. I am sure I wrote it somewhere in my diary.


短语 to bear in mind something 的意思是把某事考虑在内、记住某事。

Before splashing cash on a new dress for the Summer, bear in mind that you've got a temporary job. Be careful with your money.

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