Have your hands full 忙得不可开交

A waitress carries glasses of beer at the Oktoberfest in Munich, southern Germany.

A waitress carries glasses of beer at the Oktoberfest in Munich, southern Germany. Photo: Frank Leonhardt/GettyImages


The Oktoberfest is a 16-day festival that takes place every year in Germany and ends on the first Sunday in October. More than 6 million people attend the festival each year - and the total beer consumption exceeds 65,000 hectolitres (1,430,000 gallons).



短语 have your hands full, 意思是非常忙,手头事情应接不暇。


He can't help today because he has his hands full. He has to go shopping, pick his children up from school and then cook dinner.

I've really got my hands full today. I haven't even had a chance to make a cup of tea yet.

Can I call you later because I've got my hands full right now? I've got so much to do.


如果你碰到难对付的人,那么你可以形容他们是 a handful.

My niece is a lovely child but she's a real handful. She made such a mess in my house yesterday.

Christopher is such a handful when he's been drinking. After a few beers he starts hugging everyone - even strangers!

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