On the right track 在正确的道路上

Are you on the right track?
A velodrome is a special building made for cycle racing. The 'sprint' is a short, fast race. An 'endurance' race is held over a longer distance and involves more laps of the velodrome.
Velodrome 是专门为室内自行车比赛而建造的自行车馆。Sprint 是短距离的冲刺赛,endurance 是耐力赛,因为距离长,需要在赛车道上转很多圈。
短语 on the right track 的意思就是你做的事情或你的想法是好的、方向是正确的、能得到好的结果。
Our research shows we're on the right track. Our profits are healthy and our customers are happy.
The team lost a few early games. But then the manager made some changes and now they're on the right track.
当你 track down 什么东西或人,这就是说你经过长时间的搜索终于找到了。
I managed to track down that book about African birds in a shop on the high street.