Packed like sardines 拥挤不堪

Visitors are packed like sardines in a pool at a tourist resort in Sichuan province. Photo: Reuters.
短语 packed like sardines 字面意思是挤得像罐头里的沙丁鱼,也就是形容在人多的场合下,拥挤不堪的场面,就像图中所示。
There is evidence that Egyptians practised swimming as early as 2500 BCE. In Greece and Rome swimming was an important part of martial arts training. It was only in the 19th century that swimming became a very popular sport and in 1896 it was included in the Olympic Games.
有证据显示,早在公元前 2500 年埃及人就开始练习游泳了。在希腊和罗马游泳是武术训练中的一个重要组成部分。而这项运动仅仅是在 19 世纪时才成为流行运动,并在 1896 年列入奥运比赛项目。
I hate getting the train in the morning. We're all packed like sardines and it's always hot and smelly.
Henry didn't stay at the party for very long – he said there were so many people they were packed like sardines.
The fans were packed like sardines at the music festival.
另一个形容拥挤情况的短语是 chock-a-block, 请看例句:
I'm afraid I'm going to be late as I'm stuck in traffic. The streets are chock-a-block with cars today.
The bar was so chock-a-block with people that I couldn't move!