Poles apart 天壤之别,截然不同

Indian army soldiers perform 'Malkhamb', a form of traditional Indian gymnastics, during a two-day army exhibition in Allahabad. Photo: Jitendra Prakesh/Reuters
Malkhamb is a traditional Indian sport, whose origin dates back to the twelfth century. Competitors jump onto a vertical, wooden pole and perform different gymnastic moves for around 90 seconds. Performing well involves incredible strength and stamina.
Malkhamb 是印度古代的一项体育运动,可以追溯到12世纪。参赛者需要在一根垂直的木杆上表演不同的体操动作,限时90秒左右。精彩的表演能显示出选手难以置信的能力和耐力。
当两件事情,东西或人被形容为 poles apart, 这就是说他们截然不同,完全不一样。
Even though Sarah and Kate are identical twins, their personalities are poles apart.
Our new manager is poles apart from the old one – she has completely different ideas.
We would like to offer you the job! Your interview was excellent and you were poles apart from the other candidates.
当你处于 pole position, 这就意味着你身处赢得比赛的最佳位置。
Angelina Jolie's last film was such a success – I think she'll be in pole position to win an Oscar.