To weather the storm 闯过难关

The Prince of Wales delighted UK audiences by presenting a weather forecast for BBC Scotland.
To weather the storm 闯过难关
The heir to the throne, the Prince of Wales, had a go at reading the weather forecast on a tour of BBC Scotland on Thursday. Prince Charles delivered a specially written script which included references to Balmoral, as well as other royal residences in Scotland.
短语 "to weather the storm" 意思是经历一个困难时期,类似汉语里我们说的闯过难关。
The company weathered the storm through the recession and is now very successful.
Times are tough right now, but you just need to weather the storm for a while and things will get better.
英语里还有一个类似的表达 "to ride out the storm" 意思也是度过难关。
Just ride out the storm; everything will improve soon.