Up to your neck 忙得不可开交

A man swims in Venice in a flooded St Mark's Square.

Flooding in Venice gives this man the chance for a swim in St Mark’s Square. Photo: Luigi Costantini / AP


The lagoon city of Venice is famous for its canals, but it is also regularly swamped by floods and high tides. The highest level of flooding in recent history was in 1966 when waters rose by 1.8m.



如果你是 up to your neck in something, 意思就是你手里要做的事情很多,忙得不可开交,没有空闲时间。


I'm really up to my neck in work. It's the end of the financial year and I have so many accounts to finish.

Tony owes the bank a lot of money. He's up to his neck in debt.

I'd love to join you this weekend but I really can't. I'm up to my neck in revision for my final exams.


A pain in the neck 字面上的意思是指脖子痛,实际上这个短语的意思一般指某人或某事很令人头痛或烦恼。

Your sister is a real pain in the neck. She's been playing that Rihanna song all afternoon.

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