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Enjoying Hamburger and Digging up Its History
http://www.sina.com.cn 2002/12/23 12:59  《英语学习》


  Ah, still remember summertime? Long afternoons that stretchsintoslazy evenings. The taste of lemonade, the sound of the ice cream truck as it rolls slowly down the block, and the smell of hamburgers grilling from back porches and freshly cut lawns.(注1)

  Of course, we don't just eat hamburgers during the summer months. Over the course of each year, Americans consume about 14 billion burgers. And we don't always have time to grill them ourselves. But it is a miracle that hamburger has few competitors in the race for America's favorite food.(注2) Its simplicity and convenience coupled with the fact that it can be dressed up almost any way imaginable--or not at all--have turned the hamburgersintosa culinary force to be reckoned with.(注3)

  It's become so ingrained(注4) in our society, in fact, that it's impossible to think of American cuisine(注5)--not to mention day-to-day life--without it. Besides providing nourishment to millions, the popularity of the hamburger also helps fuel the beef and grain industries,(注6) and--would you like fries with that?--has given many a teenager their first job.

  By virtue of its ever-increasing reputation, a lot of people set about digging up the history of the hamburger, and finally finds that while just about everyone may be able to agree that burgers taste great, there's a dispute over exactly who we owe our thanks to.(注7)

  Back in the dark ages(注8) of American kitchens, otherwise known as the mid-to-late 19th century, the hamburger was nowhere to be found. Sure, we had ground beef, introduced by German immigrants in the early 1800s, but a Hamburg steak is one giant white-bread step away from a hamburger.(注9)

  Who was the one to take the bun?(注10) As it turns out, we've got a few competitors. First up, Louis Lassen, original owner of Louis' Lunch in New Haven(注11). Local legend submits that in 1900 one of Louis' customers wanted lunch in a hurry, so the cook put a beef patty(注12) between two slices of white bread. Simple enough. And, as if to provide evidence for the story, the restaurant adheres to that rule of simplicity today.(注13) Want ketchup or lettuce?(注14) You're out of luck. Louis' patrons have a choice of tomatoes, onions, or cheese on their burgers, and nothing else. It's just the way a hamburger should be served, the proprietors(注15) insist.

  And they should know, right? Perhaps, but the town of Seymour(注16) might beg to differ. Local residents insist that one Charles Nagreen is the man to whom the long history of the hamburger can be traced. They claim "Hamburger Charlie" was a vendor at a local fair in 1885 when he realized that fairgoers on the move would have an easier time eating his meatballs if he made them more portable.(注17) Two slices of white bread later, the hamburger was born.

  Or was it? Another fairground, another hamburger inventor. Make that two hamburger inventors. The 1904 World's Fair in St. Louis(注18) was the location. The two men? Fletcher Davis of Texas and Frank Menches of Ohio. The respective families of each say it was their relative who came up with the hamburger.

  Lassen, Nagreen, Davis, Menches. Take your pick. One thing that's not in dispute, however, is the reason hamburgers became so popular around the last turn of the century. Maybe it's very possible that more than one person came up with the idea at the same time. In a changing landscape, it was an idea just waiting to happen.

  As an analyst points out, "As the country grew, America (was) on the run, the cities growing, people in automobiles. So it was the perfect culinary concoction(注19). And the bottom line is it tasted pretty great."

  The wide-open spaces of America and its growing automobile culture helped make the hamburger an even bigger success with the advent of the burger chain restaurant. By 1930, there were more than 100 restaurants, all serving the exact same burger.But it was the brothers McDonald, Richard and Maurice, who opened the fast-food floodgates. The first McDonald's opened in 1948, but business really took off in 1954, when the brothers met Ray Kroc.(注20) They agreed to let Kroc franchise(注21) the restaurants, which had an assembly-line production policy that meant short lines and inexpensive burgers. McDonald's had opened 657 restaurants one decade later.

  Today McDonald's is the most popular hamburger in America, but it's far from the only option. From gourmet burgers to meatless soy patties at backyard barbecues,(注22) hamburger lovers have plenty to choose from. And while we may never discover exactly who it was that first came up with the idea, one thing is clear. Burgers have been filling American stomachs for a century now, and show no signs of going away.

《英语学习》2002年11期 专题
红磨坊(2002/12/20/ 14:44)
俄罗斯面临新边境(2002/12/19/ 13:10)
历史上的蠢事(2002/12/17/ 11:44)
在别的世界里歌唱(2002/12/16/ 13:05)
为未来而演奏(2002/12/12/ 11:47)




3.其简单、方便,还有它可以任你发挥想像力来包装--或者说根本都不用包装--的特点使人们不得不承认它是烹饪食品中的生力军。culinary:烹饪的,厨房的;reckon with:把……看作,认为。

4. ingrained:根深蒂固的。

5. cuisine:饭菜,菜肴。



8. dark ages:中世纪,此指19世纪中后叶。

9.诚然,那时侯我们已经有了牛肉糜——是19世纪早期的德国移民引进过来的——但是,这种汉堡牛排是适应中产阶级口味的,与如今的汉堡包相去甚远。ground beef:磨碎或绞碎的牛肉;white-bread:适应白人中产阶级口味的。

10. take the bun:<俚>得第一名,得奖。

11. New Haven:纽黑文(美国康涅狄格州南部港市,耶鲁大学所在地)。

12. patty:肉饼。


14. ketchup:调味蕃茄酱;lettuce:生菜。

15. proprietor:业主,所有人。

16. Seymour:西摩。

17.他们声称“汉堡查理”是本地集市上的一个小贩,1885年时他发现,如果他把牛肉丸做得更好携带的话,匆匆忙忙来赶集的人也许就能更舒服地享用他的食物了。on the move:奔波中的,正赶路的。

18. St. Louis:圣路易斯,美国密苏里州东部港市。

19. concoction:调和物,调制品。


21. franchise:对公司的分店、联号商店的特许经营。

22. gourmet:供美食家享受的,出自美食家之手的;meatless soy patty:无肉的豆馅饼;barbecue:户外烤肉餐。


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