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http://www.sina.com.cn 2003/03/24 14:48  新浪教育

  Saddam Hussein 's elder son on Tuesday rejected the U.S. demand that the Iraqi leader and his family leave the country, saying instead that President Bush should resign. U.N. weapons inspectors, meanwhile, pulled out of Iraq as war drew near.


  In a statement distributed by the Iraqi Foreign Ministry, 39-year-old Odai Hussein said that Bush is "unstable" and that the U.S. leader "should give up power in America with his family."


  Odai also warned that a U.S.-led attack will force Iraq to broaden the war against the United States. Any attack on Iraq, he said, would leave "the wives and mothers of those who fight us constantly crying. ... They should not believe there is a single safe spot for them inside Iraq or outside Iraq."


  Earlier in the day, a planeload of U.N. weapons inspectors left Baghdad aboard a flight to Cyprus, joining the exodus of diplomats, aid workers and other foreigners.


  The inspectors were ordered out Monday by U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan. U.N. officials said about 150 inspectors, support staff, humanitarian workers and observers would be evacuated.


  "We left Iraq with a sense of sadness," U.N. spokesman Hiro Ueki said in Cyprus. "We have done our job to the extent that we could. All the staff did this the best possible way."

  联合国发言人Hiro Ueki在塞浦路斯表示:"我们离开了伊拉克,我们已经尽了最大努力,所有的核查人员都尽了最大努力,"

  In a speech Monday night, Bush gave Saddam and his two sons 48 hours to gosintosexile or face war. "The tyrant will soon be gone," Bush said in a televised address.


  He asked Iraqi troops not to "fight for a dying regime"


  It was not clear if the speech was widely seen in Iraq,swheresinformation is tightly controlled and most Iraqis are barred from owning satellite dishes.


  Responding to the ultimatum, Iraqi Foreign Minister Naji Sabri said Tuesday that Bush should step down, not Saddam, "because he made the U.S. hated and isolated in the world."

  针对美国的最后通牒,伊拉克外长Naji Sabri星期二表示,放弃政权的不是萨达姆,而是布什,因为正是布什使美国变的让人如此憎恨和孤立。

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